Chapter 4

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A few weeks later

"You're distracted." Lucy snapped out of her daydream to see a serious looking Zeref on her windowsill.

"You're thinking about them aren't you?" Lucy narrowed her eye and looked away. Planning to ignore the idea.

"No, it's just I feel like I'm forgetting something. Something really important. I just can't put my finger on it." she replied at long last. 

Back at the guild

Levy kicked down the door. Something she never did. Meaning that whatever was happening was urgent.

"Guys! You will not believe what I've found in the weakling's apartment!" Levy practically screamed at everyone. Everyone turned towards the bluenette with burning curiosity but a voice spoke.

"I think that she earned the right to not be called a weakling." But it was lost in the crowd of conversation. If anyone heard, they would have noticed an observant Mavis onlooking the whole scene.

"So what did you find pipsqueak?" Gajeel asked.

"Some sort of diary I guess. Probably complaining about how defenceless she is and how she needs spirits in all her situations." Levy stated confidently. 

"So are you going to read it then?" Someone asked. Levy considered it and then opened the first page to see.

Absolute gibberish. (English but I'm not sure there is an England in their world)

Levy opened her mouth in shock. Even the way of reading the book was different. Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "What the hell is this?" 

Let's get this straight Fairy Tail fans, Levy knows all types of languages, Japenese, ancient languages, magical languages heck even Chinese. But never in Magnolia has she seen an English book. Or most languages on Earth (because the story has just been been created).

"I don't understand the language. It looked as if she made on the spot. That bitch." Levy muttered sadly. People gasped and people cursed in shock. This was definitely a first. 

Back to more relevant people

Lucy sat there in her seat. Concentrating her memory on what she was missing. All the while Zeref stared at her, amused because he knew what she forgot to do. 

Giving in he finally asked, "When you were a mortal, where did you live?" then Lucy's mind clicked and her mouth formed an 'o' shape.

It was as if then she realized their situation. "We need to go. I have very valuable property in there including the memories I've received. You don't know what can happen if they land in the wrong hands." Lucy sighed closing her eyes and then opened to smell an all too familiar smell. The smell brought all too many good and bad memories.

"Someone's been here." Zeref stated. It took a couple of seconds to process what he was saying and she immediately sprinted to her room. "It can't be missing...It shouldn't be missing...It couldn't be missing..." was mumbling to herself. Searching frantically.

She focused all of her energy into her hands and chanted a small spell. Zeref being all-knowing, knew what she was doing. A tracking spell. Simple but can drain your strength quickly.  Light blue light swarmed over her. And when it disappeared, she was fuming.

"It's with Levy."

Five minutes later

They were back in her room. Lucy was pacing in her room while Lola stood there, hands on hips. Staring at Lucy walk up and down, up and down.

"I can't believe those assholes went through my stuff!" Lucy shouted angrily.

"Neither can I Lucy, neither can I," replied obviously concerned like the loving sister she was.

"I mean Levy doesn't know English because I created English and I haven't made a place for people to speak it! But still, Anpul might come and I don't know. Befriend Levy and translate it for her."

"The chances of that are slim Lucy, quite slim," Lola replied reassuringly.

"How do you know. It might actually happen. Anpul can be quite unpredictable. The thing that has less chance of happening actually happens when it comes to him." Lucy argued.

"Here is an idea. We make it a job, for a guild that is suitable. We also need to make the reward quite suitable so that we have someone right away." Lola suggested uncertainly.

"Well, it's better than having to face those assholes again," Lucy said approvingly.

"The thing is which guild?" Lucy asked.

"Sabertooth," Lola replied almost immediately. Lucy considered it then nodded.

"Good, because I've already made the job, got a team to do it and they must be coming any second now," Lola said bluntly. Lucy sighed, she can be so ahead sometimes Lucy thought with another sigh. Then there was a knock on the door and a shouting from outside. With an eye roll, Lucy went down the flight of stairs, through a hallway, down some more stairs and along another hallway to go down even more stairs and along the corridor to the front door.

(A/N: Did I mention that their house is really big :))

She opened the door to see. 

Minerva, Sting, Rogue and Yukino. Yukino carrying the book. 

"Lucy?" They all exclaimed.

"It was you that requested the job?" Minerva asked eyebrows furrowed.

"No offence but with what money are you going to pay us 100,000 jewels?" Sting asked.

"Is that a trick question?" Lucy replied, slightly confused.

"Lucy, the girl that we took the book from said something about a language that was just created. What is the name of it?" Yukino asked curiously. Lucy paused for a second wondering if she trusted these mages.

"English. The language is English." Lucy replied eventually "In the world that I think that just got created a couple of days ago. They speak many languages including Japenese, English, French.." And that's how Lucy rambled. Naming almost all 6,500 languages that she created while all the others sweatdropped.

When she finished talking she glanced at the tigers, she gasped.

"How could I be forgetful!" Lucy exclaimed, then the Sabertooth members looked almost hopeful.

"I completely forgot about Mandarin!" Lucy shouted the Sabertooth guildmembers groaned in annoyance. "Oh, do you want to come in?" Lucy asked sweetly, it was as if she never tortured them with her languages she created a second ago.

A few hours later, when Sting's team left with their reward, she and Lola was staring at Zeref wide-eyed

"WHAT!?" Lucy and Lola screamed in unison.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Like always vote, comment, follow and keep on reading!!! 

I've seen quite successful author references in other stories. I think I should do it in the next chapter, comment if you like it!!!


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