"I do not know fully what happened last night, between you and Lord Niklaus, between you and your friends, but there is one thing I am sure of... I still feel the same. Nothing has changed for me, and I would still like you to consider the things we talked of at the lake." he said, and Caroline felt the surprise echo through her.

"But, Mr Lockwood - "


"Tyler... last night -" she started and gasped as his finger gently pressed over her mouth, in a signal to stop.

"I don't need to know. I am not some stuffy English aristocrat, Caroline. If you want to tell me someday, that's fine, if not, I will never ask. I just want... you" he said, with a brilliant smile. She felt overwhelmed in that moment, and so very confused.

"I shall call on you tomorrow and you can tell me your decision, following that I shall speak to Mr Pierce directly, if I have need to... and I sincerely hope I will" he said, slowly raising her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss into the back. He descended the stairs in a couple of steps, and practically bounded back up into the carriage, turning to wave as he pulled the door shut.

Caroline went inside the house, giving the servants strict instructions that no one except immediate family was to be admitted and then went straight to her room. Pulling off her clothes, she thought about Tyler's proposition. It was astounding, and completely unexpected. It was her way out, her chance at the life she dreamed off. As she slid into bed, and blew out the candle she used at her bedside, she stared up at the ceiling, trying to untangle the mess of her emotions.

Tyler was offering her everything, so why didn't she feel happier about it. The events of the previous night had ruined everything, and now a hideous tinge had infected even happy news, she surmised. Sleep pulled at her, and finally feeling safe, she abandoned herself to it.








Klaus had been on the verge of leaving, his horse saddled and ready at the door, when a carriage had pulled up. Cursing he saw his father's crest on the door and realised he had missed his chance at leaving that night. He had had the last minute inspiration to try and take some of Caroline's things to her, and was waiting for Bonnie to choose them. It had cost him too much time however, he thought grimly.

The door banged open and Mikael stormed out, and up the steps, a quiet rage suffusing his face. Stopping in front of his son, he curled his lip at him with such hatred, that Klaus thought for a moment he might attack him here, in front of the staff. Turning on his heel, he strode toward his study,

"Bring me John Pierce" he called over his shoulder, slamming the door of his study.

The clock ticked in the lounge as Klaus paced, counting the minutes of his agony. Elijah had kept to his room, unhappy with each of his siblings. Kol had tried to sit with him, but soon left when Klaus stopped even offering one word answers and lapsed into a broody silence. He was still wearing his riding clothes, and he still planned on leaving that night. He just had to wait for his father see him first. If he survived it, he would depart for London directly. Finally, the grandfather clock ticking 11, the door to the study opened, and Mr Pierce came out. Looking a little worse for wear, Klaus watched as he trod up the stairs, pausing occasionally to grip the barrier. Stealing himself, he went to the study, knocked and waited to be admitted.

"Come" Mikael's low voice called from within and Klaus opened the door, feeling as though he was going to the gallows as he walked into the room.

Mikael was standing at his whiskey, pouring two glasses and he raised an eyebrow at his son, and his clothes as he came closer.

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