Inside was a sensory overload. Whilst they had been to neighbourhood balls in Virginia, they were nothing like this. The massive assembly rooms had several floors, each designated for different purposes. There was dancing, taking up a whole floor, another floor for eating, drinking and resting, and it was already filling up with elderly chaperons. Another floor had some gaming tables, and was clearly reserved for men, with smoking tables and games of poker already springing up. Katherine's eyes danced as she took it all in, squeezing Caroline's hand as they descended into the lowest level and worked their way along the introduction line. Mr Pierce and Mr Salvatore had already excused themselves for the upper level, Mrs Pierce has spotted some new ladies she wished to be introduced to. Caroline tagged along after everyone, looking around at the splendour, unable to take it all in. Chandeliers dripped from the high ceilings, and majestic columns decorated each grand room. The flower arrangements were the biggest she'd ever seen. For the next hour, she dipped and bobbed in response to countless introduction, trying to remember all the names being thrown at her. A while later, she found herself at the refreshment table with Damon and Katherine. Thirsty from talking so much, she quickly drank her first glass of champagne, then reached for another.

"Caroline! I shall start to think I've influenced you!" Katherine exclaimed, raising her glass in a toast. Damon smiled,

"Ladies, let's not do any foolish just yet, you haven't even danced, or eaten." he reminded them, urging them to try some of the lavish food that was spread out over the banquet table. Caroline had never felt less hungry, and continued to sip her champagne, turning this way and that, still taking in all the new sights. A couple of young socialites stopped near her, engrossed in their conversation, and Caroline couldn't help but overhear.

"Rosemary swore it was true. They are here! All of them. And she saw them arrive with her own eyes." the girl gushed, her cheeks pink with excitement.

"I heard tell that he hasn't come to this function in years. It must be because he is engaged now." The other girl sighed, sounding positively jealous.

"It's not fair! He finally decided to marry... and it's to an American." the girl whispered, scandalised.

There was a pause, then Caroline started as one of the girl let a small shrill shriek, which was instantly shushed by her friend.

"It's him... It's definitely him. My word, I think he's looking at us!" the other girl also squealed in excitement, and Caroline could contain her curiosity no longer. It was obvious who they were talking about, but she couldn't quite stop herself from following their tilted heads up to the inner balcony which ran around the gentlemen's floor. Two floors above her, the balcony looked down on the refreshment and resting area, and she saw the figure that had caused so much excitement.

He was impeccably dressed this time, his tailcoat a rich, deep blue, buttoned tightly over his firm, narrow waist. His waistcoat was a creamy white, as was his elaborate cravat, and his black pantaloons were tightly fitted to his muscular legs. He leaned on the balustrade casually, and Caroline was too far, in too dim a light to make out his expression, but she was struck by his beauty. When she had first met him, she had found him soulless looking, and not nearly as handsome as his brothers. Now though, seeing him there, in all his state, his artless golden hair, wicked blue eyes, and almost wolfish virility, she could not ignore his obvious appeal. She raised her glass and took a quick gulp of champagne to dispel the feeling. As she lowered her glass, she risked a last glance upwards, and was surprised to see him raise his glass in a toast to her, as he continued to stare down. Twirling away, she returned to the relative safety of out of sight areas.

Finally, they were moving together into the ballroom. The place sparkled and danced and was practically a sea of moving bodies. A band played at one end, and upon their arrival, Stefan immediately asked Elena for her first dance. Waiting for a nod from her mother, she accepted, very gladly, Caroline thought and they disappeared into the mass. Caroline smiled around and thought how lucky she was to be there, even if she didn't have anyone to dance with.

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