Chapter 35

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Julia's POV

My recovery  eventually came to an end and I was allowed to get back to work. God knows how I had been waiting for this. I had missed Jump Street so much these past months, I couldn't have been happier. It was so refreshing to see everyone again : all the colleagues, the captain, even Blowfish...I could finally start living again just like I did before I got shot. All this was nothing more than a bad memory now, I could leave it behind, forget, and move on. 

Something I had missed almost as much as the chapel was my apartment. It was so good to be back home. I mean, of course I was greatful for the way Tom, Judy, Doug, and Harry had taken care of me the last four weeks, but honestly they were worrying way too much about me and I was getting kind of tired to be treated like a baby. I could handle myself. But don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing any of them. Once again, I was greatful and I would probably never be able to thank them enough for what they did and all the time they took for me. I was perfectly aware of how lucky I was to be able to call friends people as amazing as them.

Since I had been off for quite a long period, captain Fuller decided to put me on desk duty some time first, just so I could gradually get used to the rythm of work again. I wasn't too happy about that decision though, because paperwork had never been my thing and I was also literally craving to go undercover again. I needed to spice up my life, it had been boring enough lately. Anyway captain orders, so I didn't really have a choice but to accept it, whether I liked it or not. I tried to cheer myself up by remembering it wouldn't last long until I'd find myself assigned on a new case. I just needed to be patient, so I stopped complaining and just did as I was told. Spending the whole day filling in papers and signing files wasn't funny at all, espacially when I was the only one left behind my desk while the others were all out trying to solve whatever interesting case they had been put on, but I figured it was better than nothing after all. I mean, at least I was back here, wasn't it the most important ?

I know I said I'd be patient, but at some point, I lost my patience. Over three weeks after my return, I was still on desk duty. What the actual fuck ? Fuller had promised it would only be for a few days so I really didn't understand why he still hadn't given me a new assignment. I began worrying a little actually, thinking that maybe the captain didn't trust me anymore. Maybe I had disappointed him by not being able to bust a bunch of kids without getting hurt. Well, a bunch of kids, one of them wasn't exactly a kid but still. However it was my very first time fucking up like that so in my opinion I deserved at least another chance. Anyway the more days went by, the more I felt like I should have a talk with Fuller. Even if he didn't let it show, he had to be upset with me, why would I still be sitting at that damn desk otherwise ? I mean, it couldn't have anything to do with my condition because except for throwing up sometimes for some unknown reason, I was absolutely fine physically so there was no point in not allowing me to go back undercover. Besides, the captain didn't know about me being a little sick so it definitely couldn't be the reason. Really, I had to talk to him.

Lifting my head, I looked straight before me, my eyes glued to the brown door at the other end of the room : Fuller's office. I wondered if now was the best time to go see him. I quickly took a look at my surroundings. Judy and Harry were both at their desk, clearly busy with the huge pile of files before each one of them, Sal was changing a light bulb, and mister Hanson and Penhall were nowhere to be seen. Well, obviously if one of these two was missing, the other one was too. 

Figuring now was a pretty good time, I raised from my chair and slowly started walking towards Fuller's office. I was about to knock on the door when I noticed it was in fact already slightly open. Peeking through it, I realized the captain was already in great conversation with someone. I couldn't make out who that someone was though, the door wasn't open wide enough for me to see the entire room. Assuming it would be extremely rude for me to eavesdrop, I turned on my heels and went to go back to my desk but quickly changed my mind at the sudden mention of my name. 

"Julia is an adult and I think this is a decision we can't take for her", I heard Fuller say to whoever was with him. Out of curiosity, I brought my ear closer to the door.

"Now I understand your worries Hanson but maybe you should discuss it with her, not me.", he added. 

Hanson ? Tom was the one in there then. I frowned. What was it he should discuss with me ? Why were they even talking about me ? Puzzled, I kept listening until a second voice I recognized to be my boyfriend's spoke.

"There's no point in discussing it with her, she can be very stubborn sometimes, she won't listen to me. Please Captain, just don't let her go undercover again. She'll be just fine on desk duty, and at least she'll be safe."

What ? What the...

My jaw dropped, I coudln't believe what I had just heard. So here was the reason why I hadn't moved from behind that fucking desk in weeks then. I thought the captain didn't trust me anymore when in fact all this was Tom's doing. How did he dare ? Who the hell did he think he was ? I could feel the anger boiling up inside me. I was so mad, I wanted to scream. Not thinking twice, I slammed the door open. Fuller was about to say something else but didn't, immediately catching sight of me since he was facing the door. Following his gaze, Tom turned around, his eyes wide as he saw me standing in the door frame. 

"Lia", he exclaimed in barely a whisper, shock and embarrassment plastered all over his stupid face.


You have seriously no idea how hard it is for me to write "stupid face" when speaking of Tom 😂
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter. What do you think is gonna happen next ? (I know I ask the same question all the time but I'm so curious to know what you think😁)

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