Chapter 20

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Julia's POV

The next morning

Today was finally THE day, the day our assignment would finally come to an end and we would bust those damn drug dealers. I was always excited when it came to arrest the criminals when I've been working on a case for some time. My favorite part of the job has always been saying 'You're under arrest' and showing my badge. 

First of all, because it's pretty comforting to know you probably helped saving innocent people's lives by stopping said criminals, and also because of the look  on their face when they realize they've been with a cop this whole time without noticing, without having even the tiniest supicion you could be one. That is definitely the best part.

Today was different though. I couldn't deny my excitment, but there was also something else. A little bit of sadness. Sadness because the end of the case meant the end of me and Tom working together which I could tell I would definitely miss even though I knew there could be other cases Fuller would put us together on but still. That and also because I had that very bad gut feeling something bad was going to happen today. Something would go wrong. I couldn't know exactly what, but something would go wrong.

After we both got ready, Tom and I went to the chapel to quickly report, before heading to school for the last time. Well, last time in that school because it most likely wouldn't be our last time in a high school.It was our job after all.

After exchanging a rapid little kiss goodbye in front of the lockers, we went different ways for first period. I climbed the stairs to reach the history class in a hurry to prevent myself from being late, espacially since our teacher, Mrs Lane was an actual bitch. I'm deeply sorry to say that, but she really was. Anyway, I walked in the classroom and sat at my usual desk, right next to Rebecca. I stayed with her the entire time till lunch

Lunch time

We met with the guys, I mean Dean and Tommy, at the locker.

"So, still up to meet Rob downtown ?", Dean asked, looking at Tom who immediately nodded his head, then turning his head to me until I nodded as well.A smile spread across his lips.

"Good. Let's go then", he said pulling Rebecca with him by her waist and leading us to the fast food where that Rob guy was most likely already waiting for us.

The place wasn't very far from the school, we barely walked ten minutes. Before we knew it, we were inside. I spotted Rob at a table hidden in one of the corners. He apparently also saw us, as he motioned for our small group to come. We all took a seat around the table, me and Tom on one side, and the three delinquents on the other. 

"So McQuaid, d'ya have my money ?", Rob was the first one to speak.

"I have it", Tom shook his head yes, while chewing his piece of gum. "You ? Do you have my stuff ?"I smiled internally at how confident he sounded. I couldn't help but be proud of him and admire the way he was handdling the situation.

"Of course my friend", the dealer responded. He then handed a paper bag to Tom under the table. After grabbing it, Tom did the same with the bag in which we had put the money. Placing it inside his jacket, Rob said 

"I'm not gonna count here, but I hope for you there are 25 thousand bucks in there, because otherwise you'll be in trouble", he calmly yet menacingly stated. 

"I'm not that type of guy man", Tom winked, "It's bad for business". Placing it on his lap so nobody apart from us would be able to catch a glimpse of what he was doing, he opened the bag Rob had given him, digging his fingers inside, and bringing it to his mouth to taste it and make sure the dope actaully was dope and not some sort of sugar or God knows what. His big brown eyes met mine, and I understood the bag was full with cocaine. He then bowed his head, signaling it was time for us to act.  Pulling out my gun, I exclaimed 

"You're under arrest assholes." 

Tom showed them his badge before pulling his gun out as well. 

"You're cops ?", Dean asked in utter shock.

"Yup", Tom answered his question as he handcuffed him. He then stepped towards Rebecca and proceeded the exact same way with her. 

Meanwhile, I was taking care of Rob. I had him his face flat on the table, as I was holding his wrists on his back ready to get them handcuffed. I momentanly layed my gun on the table  so I could reach into my pocket and grab the handcuffs I obviously needed to do so. 

I definitely shouldn't have done that.

Not even giving me enough time to process the events that were taking place, Rob flipped me over with a swift movement. Tom immediately pointed his gun at him but it was too late. That asshole was holding me close to his chest by my throat, using me like a human shield. My gun in his hand, was pressed against my temple.

"One move cop and she's dead", he warned.

"Let her go. Don't aggravate your situation !", Tom yelled still firmly gripping his gun.

"DROP THE FUCKING GUN !", Rob shouted, aiming it at my head. 

"LET. HER. GO.", Tom fiermly repeated. 

Rob's grip on my throat didn't losen up. I swallowed hard, the tears I was trying to hold back eventually filling up my eyes. I was defenseless. I was nothing more than a puppett in the sucker's arms. My life was meaningless for him and I had no doubt he wouldn't hesitate a second to end it. My body was shaking.

"Little bitch is scared isn't she ?", he spat before adressing to Tom, "I give you 3 seconds to drop that fucking gun of yours you little bastard. After that, I'll blow a cute little hole in your slut's head."  Stepping forward attempting to walk a little closer to the door, he put the gun away from my head, pressing it on my side instead. Breathing heavily, I glanced at Tom in pure desperation. I saw him gulp. Seeing Rob's eyes were on Tommy now, I didn't think twice. My survival instinct took control over me I guess, and I punched him hard in the stomach. Taken by surprise, he let go of me.


All of a sudden, a sharp pain irradiated from my back and I dropped on my knees.

"JULIA !", I heard Tom shouting, then everything went black.


It's 5 am I haven't slept yet but I can't stop writing😂.
Like I have so many ideas in my head I need to write everything down before I forget it 😂

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