Chapter 12

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Julia's POV

I don't recall very well what happened exactly after we left the club, or who made the first move, but Tom and I somehow ended up making out in the backseat of his Mustang. He was on top of me, french kissing me hungrily, his hands running up and down my sides while mine were tangled in his soft and now very messy hair. Every kiss, every touch, every move was driving me crazy. My whole body was covered in goosebumps and kept shaking uncontrollably. I was melting in his arms. I wanted him so much, like I'd never wanted anyone else before. I wanted him to take me right there and then, to possess me, to own me. I felt like I was in some kind of trance, like someone had bewitched me or something. No other guy had ever made me feel the way Tom was currently making me feel. I wasn't sure if it was just the alcohol or if I liked him more than I dared to admit, but either way, one thing was for sure, I was extremely horny at the moment. And judging by the huge bulge I could feel pressing against my leg, Tom was at least as horny as me.

"I want you so bad" he murmured close to my ear in a deep and husky voice, breathing heavily as he started kissing his way down my neck. An unwanted moan escaped my mouth and my back arched in pleasure. I closed my eyes, enjoying every second of it. He was making me feel so incredibly good, I knew that this was the closest to heaven that I'd ever be. I wasn't thinking straight anymore. I couldn't have cared less if I was totally drunk and probably about to have sex with my partner and best friend. The only things on my mind at the moment were Tom, the weight and warmth of his body on mine, and the softness of his lips on my skin. Nothing else mattered to me anymore.

"Tom..." I sighed, tilting my head back to give him better access as he trailed wet kisses down my throat, lingering at my collarbone then moving downwards, his hot mouth getting dangerously close to my breasts. I was craving his touch there but, to my great disappointment, he stopped before reaching them to slide back up my body until our faces were at the same level again. He looked at me intently, as if asking for permission before going any further, his dark eyes filled with lust. I grabbed his hand, still holding his gaze, and placed it over my racing heart before slowly guiding it under my dress and to my damp, lacy underwear. Our lips locked again as he began softly caressing me through the thin fabric, his other hand cupping one of my breasts. I bit hard on my lip, desperately trying to keep quiet. 

"Don't hide your moans from me. I wanna hear you" Tom whispered, gently brushing some hair out of my face before bringing his mouth back to mine. I reached up, never breaking the kiss, and dragged his jacket off his shoulders, lightly raking my nails down the sides of his now bare arms before sliding my hands underneath his shirt to run my fingers all over his smooth chest. He gently spread my legs apart to settle himself in between, and I gasped when I felt his huge boner pressing against me. I was completely caught up in the moment, turned on like never before and totally willing to go all the way, until I heard the sound of Tom's belt being unfastened. 

What the hell are we-

I froze on my spot, my eyes going wide in realization as I glanced down at myself. My dress was pulled up to my navel, my thighs wide open, and my best friend, who also happened to be my partner, in the process of removing his pants in between. 

"Tommy...stop..." I said, pushing him off me and quickly moving away from him, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. 

"What's wrong ?" Tom asked, looking utterly puzzled.

"This-" I said, pointing to the both of us as I emphasized the word " wrong." I lowered my head, feeling digusted with myself. "Please just...take me home."

Not saying a word, Tom got back in the driver's seat and started the car while I stayed in the back. The ride home was painfully quiet. Even if I kept my gaze out the window the whole time, I could feel him looking at me in the rearview mirror every now and then. After what seemed like forever, he finally pulled up to my apartment.

"Thanks for the ride" I mumbled without even looking at him, hastily climbing out of the Mustang.

"No problem" he simply said, his face expressionless.

Slamming the car door shut, I walked to the building as fast as I could, ignoring how dizzy I still was, only to stumble over something and crash onto the pavement, scratching my knees and palms on the rough concrete. Tom immediately ran up to me.

"Are you alright ?" he asked worriedly, examining my scratches.

"Yeah, don't worry I'm fine" I assured him, somewhat annoyed "You can go now."

"You're coming with me, I'm not leaving you alone in this state" he stated, carefully helping me back to my feet.

"What ? No !" I exclaimed almost angrily.

"I'm not giving you a choice. You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."


"There's no point arguing, I'm not leaving without you. Period."

I sighed in defeat, knowing damn well that nothing I could say would make him change his mind anyway. He was way too stubborn. But I felt so uncomfortable in his presence after what had happened between us earlier, I just wanted him to go and leave me alone. Unfortunately for me, it didn't seem like it was gonna happen.

"And don't worry, we don't have to talk about-" he paused abruptly, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I mean...well...what happened, you know...I promise I won't bring that up."


Hey guys ☺Just wanted to let you know that you'll have to wait a few days for the next update. Friday is THE day so I won't be home. I already have the next chapter all finished so maybe I'll post it friday night after the concert. Well, if I'm still alive that is lol. Still can't believe I'm gonna meet Johnny Depp, don't be surprised if I'm a mess emotionally after this lmao.

Anyway it's already 12:30 am here and I really have to go to bed. I have to wake up at 4 am because my train to Francfort takes off at 7:15 am.

Oh and one more thing, I might not survive meeting Johnny so if you never hear from me ever again after this, see you guys in heaven.

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