Chapter 9

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Camila didn't make it home that night. When she woke up the next morning she was instead in an alleyway surrounded by what she hoped wasn't a bunch of rabid cats. She didn't really remember much, except Dinah dancing naked on a glass table in someone's living room, surrounded by a bunch of boys with empty red solo cups and snapbacks so big it fell off their small faces. That she couldn't forget. She had a massive headache and her back was in pain from leaning on a disgusting garbage bin that smelled like shit and weed. Camila grunted cursing to herself as she forced her body to get up and move, to makes it way out of the ally. She looked around the busy streets still not noticing her surroundings until she spotted a familiar girl. On a store television. The Cuban limped across the street which was now at a red light to go closer and take a look at why Lauren was on a tv.

"A concerned guardian has reported a missing teen. She has been missing for a couple of nights and he is very worried. Her name is Lauren Jauregui she was seen last a-"

Camila scrunched her eyebrows. That was not how you pronounce her name.

"She has jet-black hair and bright green eyes. She was last seen in a 1975 hoodie at a park by locals. If there is any information anyone would like to give us. Give us a call at 776-"

Missing? Camila wondered. Is that why she was going to sleep in a park. Because she decided to run away from home. Wow. Sad. Camila shrugged, she barely knew the girl and so far the girl was a bitch. She didn't even say thank you last night. She'll turn her in. Camila searched her pockets for her phone, finding it she dialed the number from the news station on the where-a-bouts of Lauren. Once she hung up she smiled victoriously. That'll teach her.

Now all Camila needed to do was to find her way home.


"WALTZ!" Dinah called from inside of Camila's room. Camila slowly decided to call Dinah instead of finding her way home.

"Yes, Dinah." She called back from the hot shower she oh so needed. Seconds later Dinah barged into the bathroom pulling the minion's shower curtain back making cold air rush to Camila's body. She shoved her phone in her face showing her a video of the younger girl dancing (almost) naked on a table. "You were drunk and I tried to get you down but you just wanted me to have fun Mila." Camila mocked Dinah. "Soi said whatever and that's all I remember for I just woke up in an UNKNOWN ally and I really want a hot shower, Dinah."

"Bu-but how could allow me to do this to myself. Look." Camila looked at the video it was at a part where Dinah had her shirt, skirt, and bra off and was really about to take off her underwear until she fell on the table and collapsed, breaking the glass. Camila burst into a full-blown laughter but quickly stopped s in the background of the video she saw herself walking out of the room and Lauren following her. Then the video was over.

"I fell Mila. I fell." Dinah cried out obviously embarrassed. She huffed and turned off the shower earning a groan in protest from the small Cuban. "And also why did suicide girl follow you out."

"I don't know. I don't remember."


Whoever turned Lauren in was going to die. Literally, no one cared about missing teenager so when the cops found Lauren about to steal from a convenience store they scoped her up like vanilla ice cream and told her a 'young worried lady' called in she was pissed. Not only did she have to go back 'home' she also knew how pissed and upset her uncle would be. She just knew this wouldn't end well.

She was thrown on her front step by a fat cop with the name tag WELLS, well Wells could suck a dick. Minutes later her uncle came out pretending to be sad and thankful but as soon as the cops left and as soon as Lauren barley made it into the house she was kicked down and there was the weight of a heavy shoe pushing down on her chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you.?" He growled out. He removed his heavy foot only to kick it into Laurens' chin. She yelped with pain tears scrawling from her eyes onto the hardwood floor into the hall. He bent down low and stared into her eyes, all she could see was pure hatred. He seemed to forget how to talk because she was now being kicked constantly over and over. Her head, chest, and stomach were now in unbearable pain. But she knew he wasn't finished. He was huffing and spitting all over her face. "HUH? I asked you a fucking question."

Lauren tried to speak she did. But the bruises on her mouth were forming fast and she couldn't even open them. So instead she cried. And he hated when she cried. "Your nothing but a piece of garbage. You deserve nothing, you deserve me, this is what you get for being born." He took full advantage of the fact that Lauren was unable to move and swiftly hovered himself over Lauren. She hated the way her skin burned when he touched below the fabric. She hated the way she felt when he unbuckled her pants.

"Your shit, Your ugly. And I hate you. This is what you deserve."

She hated how she was literally used. She hated her body. And also hated whoever turned her in. 

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