Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

I sat in the bathroom head against the door holding the razor. By now I don't even notice the tears streaming down my face or the pain shooting through my arm.

I was lost in my head thinking of the possibility's. I could go right now. I could take this razor and just finsh myself. I could shove the pill down my throat. Or sit in the bath and never come up from the water. Wouldn't no one care. They'll laugh at me.
I could see it now.

"Lauren Jauregui, the no body who killed herself in the bathroom."


I stood up to the sink washing the stained blood off my arm.

"LAUREN." I heard the deep voice calling my name from outside the door.
I hurried and cleaned up before he barged in.

"What are you doing? I called your name 30 fucking minutes ago." He yelled.

"I-I was using the bathroom, sorry." I wispered. I didn't have the guts to yell at him because I knew if I did..I would have a long night.

"You have school, hurry up." He told me before slamming the door, making me jump.

I cleaned up and headed to my room to get dressed. I had no privacy. He took off all locks. So he sits there while I dress ,Staring at me, like a pice of meat and I dare not to slam the door on him.

I turned my back to him and got dressed fast.

2 more years


I walked up the stairs to my new school.
My heart hammering In my chest. I prayed that this school would be nothing like the last. I hoped she wasn't here, I couldn't go through what I did last year.

I entered the enormous school instantly hearing chatter among peers. It was so loud and there was people everywhere. I stood there until a group of teenagers came in pushing me to the ground.

"Sorry didn't see you there, maybe you shouldn't stand in the middle of the way."  He laughed. I stood up and looked at the boy who "accidently" bumped into me.
He was hot I had to amit.

"Zayn say sorry." I heard a female voice tell him. I looked to his side and saw a pretty, tan girl standing beside him. She had dark brown hair and her lips were full and pink.

"I'm lucy." She introdued herself holding her hand out.
I hesitantly shook it and smiled.

"And that's Zayn, he's a big bitch."

"Mm I'm Lauren." I mumbled. People never talked to me at my old school. I was that gothic girl who wanted to kill herself. And it got even worst after I t-

"Um Lauren." I hear Lucy call my name taking me out of my trance.


"I asked where you new here, because you seem pretty lost." She laughed.

Was it that obvious?

"Um, ha yea." She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Come on." She laughed. "We don't need class anyway." I smiled at her and let her lead me to where ever we were going.

We walked to the back of the school and climbed a latter that lead to the roof.

"You smoke?" Zayn asked me.

"Um no, not really." I replied.
I'm true honesty i only smoked once and I remember laughing so hard at my uncle when he was fussing at me. After that the last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my head after he had punched me.

"Well, it's your lucky day cause we brought weed." Lucy smiled as she dug in her pocket pulling out two blunts and a lighter.

"How do you even get that?" I asked amused.

"I got connections." She winked.
She lit it up and brought it to her lips inhailing deeply before closing her eyes and blowing it out. She looked absolutely hot. She opened her eyes and smirked.

"Your turn newby." I took it from her hand slowly. Closed my eyes and put it to my lips.
I tilted my head and released it slowly.

Zayn laughed at us. Clearly already high.

And that's what we did for a whole hour.


I walked into my last class smiling like a maniac with Lucy and Zayn by my side.

After we spend a whole hour smoking we decided ...well I decided to go back to class. It is my first day after all and I'm clearly not making a good first impression on my teacher.

"Hello Ms.Vives and Zayn it's about time you came to class." She scoffed. "You must be Lauren?" She asked uncertain. I nodded.

"Well why don't you introduce yourself." She smiled politely.

I gulped. I'm stoned as shit and I hate public speaking. I'm about to make a full of my self.

"Hi, um I'm Lauren." I mumbled. I looked across the class to Lucy smiling at me. I did it back. Then I saw a small girl at the back with her head stuffed in a book. I could only see the top of her head but for some reason she enchanted me.

I countined introducing myself and took a seat next to Zayn and beside Lucy.

This year doesn't seem so bad so far.

But it's only the beginning.

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