Chapter 2

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I walked home slowly hoping he wouldn't be there. I had a decent first day but now I have to come back to fearing my uncle.

I would hope that's he out today, maybe enjoying some drinks with freinds but then he would come home drunk and..that would not end well for me.

I walked up to the house and noticed a black doge outside along with my uncles red ford. I walked into the house cautionly looking around until I heard deep laughing in the living room. I walked as quiet as I could halfway up the stairs until I heard my name being called.

"Lauren." I heard my uncle sternly call me. I slowly turned around a put on a fake smile.
He signaled me to him with his finger and I slowly walked toward the living room.

"Yes sir."

"I want you to meet my freind Antonio Gonzales."

I smiled at the older man. He was really tan and had tatts all over his arm. His dark hair was put up in a man bun with a piece covering his grey eyes. He looked very creepy to be honest.

My uncle stared at me in disbelief as I didn't say anything.

I looked at him fear laced in my eyes and slowly took my hand out. "Um I'm Lauren."
He shook me hand slowly looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

"She's very pretty." He told my uncle.

"Lauren show Mr.Gonzales your room please." I violently turned my head his way. My heart hammering in my chest that you can hear a mile away. My mind flooded with thoughts panicking.

Why am I showing him my room?

Why is he looking at me looking that?

Who exactly is he?

Is it to late to run?

"LAUREN!" I heard my uncle slightly yell. "Show Mr.Gonzales to your room. Now" he added.

I zipped out the only thing I could come up with. "Can I uh- can I clean it up a little please sir? I wouldn't want him to, 'see' my room like it is." I rambled out.

My uncle looked at me a few minutes before ushering a quick "five minutes" before I ran up the stairs.

I shut my door pacing back and forth on what to do before an idea popped in my head.

I quickly grabbed an empty backpack and shoved some clothing in there, I grabbed my toothbrush and  necessary items. After I was finshed I slowly opened the door and quietly headed down stairs to the kitchen.

The living room and kitchen was separated so he couldn't see me in there.

I opened the back door and ran out, falling on the way. I quickly got back up and ran as fast as I could down the street. As soon as I knew I couldn't run anymore I walked to the nearest park.

I didn't have anyone to call, and I just met Lucy and Zayn so I didn't know what else to do.

I walked down the park sidewalk with my head down tears slowly falling down my face. I knew he didn't want to "see my room" I wasn't slow. So I ran. I didn't want to go to the police they'll think I'm just a silly run away girl.

I didn't know where I was headed until I fell face first into a pole.
I groaned rubbing my forehead, and I heard laughing beside me.

"Dinah it's not funny stop laughing at her." I heard a small sweet voice scold.

"Well clearly if she was paying attention and not ruining the photo she wouldn't have bumped into a pole." Another voice laughed out.

"Are you okay miss?" The same sweet voice asked me. For some reason it was soothing and calmed. I looked behind me at two young girls. One was laughing her ass off and the other was with a concerned look.

I self consciously pulled down my sleeves of my 1975 hoodie over my wrist. And smiled politely. "Ye-yes." I mumbled.

This girl was gorgeous. Her long brown hair fell over her white shirt. Her eyes were the most beautiful brown ever. And not to mention her jawline was perfect.

"M, sorry if I uh-bumped into either of you. I uh, shou-should've um watched where I was going, I-I didn't mean to bother you." I rambled out. She giggled while the other girl (I assume dinah.) rolled her eyes.

"It's okay, you only ruined a perfectly good photo for Instagram." She scoffed.

"Dinah stop being rude." She scolded. "I'm Camila, that's Dinah." She introduced. "She's a bit rude don't mind her."

"I'm Lauren." Dinah looked at me up and down and then again at my hoodie.

"It's like 90 degrees aren't you hot?" She asked me. "I mean you are kinda hot, but like aren't you hot in that hoodie?" I tugged at the hoodie before telling them I had to leave.

I was pretty sure they probably heard of Lauren Jauregui, by now every one know me for what I tried to do.


Camila POV

"Dinah why are you so rude." I scolded.

"I know her from somewhere." She said more to herself than me. I watched as the raven haired Beauty walked off. Dinah was right, she looked familiar. I tired to remember if I knew a Lauren from somewhere before it clicked.

I looked at Dinah. "Wasn't that the girl who tried to kill her self?" She asked.



OKAY!! So right now I know how I want this story to end but I don't know how to properly right everything out. But I do want to know what it guys think (if anyone is really reading this.) let me know by commenting please and think you.

—Zaddy 😏

Don't do it ~CamrenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя