Chapter Twenty-seven

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Hello, you may know me as Yuon, [M/N]'s childhood friend, and a couple of months ago, I had to leave for a series that I was shooting in, but believe it or not, that wasn't the case as for why I left. I mean, it wasn't cause I wanted to.

I was forced to.


The calls that were made with Jungkook weren't so... Friendly. Actually, all members
actually received my number through Jungkook. Threats were exchanged to me, and I refused to give up [M/N] to those sick bastards.

I remember what they told me during one call. How they were planning on holding [M/N] captive in their place. Wasn't really the "truth", but they were gonna keep him away from society in general, and the thought of that made me fear for [M/N]'s life.

But I was so lost, and I desperately wanted to hold him in my arms, and never let [M/N] go.

Because I love him.

I love everything about him.

And I want him to be with me.


When Jungkook harshly hung up the phone, I smiled, leaving the phone that was holding a tracking device inside, and left the run down hotels, getting inside my new car to make my getaway. I made sure to purchase a baseball bat and a little dagger for my own protection.

"God, I'm really gonna do this..." I ran a hand through my hair, keeping my eyes on the endless highway, making my way to me and [M/N]'s old apartment. The only reason for this was that we had an extra phone, and I'm just hoping that he would respond.


"Hahaha! Thank you for taking me out, hyungs!" I thanked them, walking inside their dorm only to see a frantic Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. "What's going on?" I asked. Suddenly, they tackle me to the floor, holding me in their arms. "Woah! You guys..." I slowly slip away from them as Jimin whispers something in Namjoon's ear.

I don't know what he said, but it sent shivers down my spine when I saw Namjoon's cold-hearted expression as he said with venom laced in his voice, "Hoseok, watch [M/N]. We are talking in my room." The boys followed their leader out of the room, as the two of us stood here in silence.

"Hoseok, what happened?" I asked.

No response.

I gripped onto the collar of Hoseok's shirt, bringing his face closer to mine as I growled, "Hoseok, what the fuck happened?" Hoseok looked stunned, his heart-like smile gone, with a dark haze over his eyes. The deep moment was interrupted by my ringtone echoing through the empty room.

Without hesitation, we raced towards my phone, sparing no time. I managed to grab it, seeing the number as my heart warmed up. I quickly answered the phone as I heard Hoseok warn me. "Don't answer the damn phone." Part of me was shocked from hearing the cheerful man cuss, but I knew all too well that I couldn't let this go. "Yuon!" I cried out, running away from the male, trying to talk.

Tears were streaming down my face. "Are you okay!?" I exclaimed, hearing the boys rush out of the room, allowing me to hid in a pantry in the kitchen, forcing my body to morph into a smaller size to fit. "Fuck, Hoseok, where the hell is he!?" I flinched at Yoongi's tone as I heard distant arguing from the group of guys.

"[M/N], be quiet, okay? I'm trying my best to come and get you, okay? Just... Sit tight for me." Yuon shushed me as I released a muffled whimper as I held my breath to reduce my heavy breathing and the increasing heart beat.

I hung up the phone and continued to cradle myself before I thought about contacting my friends, and then, my aunt. I was rather nervous when even texting her, but the situation was announced, and I told them what to do.

Because I have a plan in case everything screws up.


"I can't believe you, Hoseok!" I huffed out in frustration. "I'm sorry, but I didn't want to hurt him, and especially force him into seclusion!" Hoseok shouted angrily, grabbing me by the collar.

"We're not forcing him. In fact, we're going to give him a choice." I declared, as Yoongi asked, "Hold up, you never told us that he had an option." Jin shot Yoongi a quick glare, causing him to shut his mouth immediately, not in his best of interest to upset the elder.

"Just a small decision to make between his 'friend', and us." I cackled, intertwining my fingers amongst each other. "And if he doesn't choose us? It'll be obvious." Jungkook asked, crossing his arms.

"A little mind manipulation trick wouldn't hurt him." I stated, with a wicked smile plastered on my face. "But we need to find him first. I'm splitting you up." Jin pointed out, dividing the members with ease. At this moment, only one thing was running through all of the sev dr n male's heads.

'We're coming for you, [M/N].'


I overheard the whole conversation, and now, I have a bit of leverage on my side. I peeked through the cabinets, cracking the small door open slightly to revealing two of the seven men checking the grounds. 'I have to meet up with Yuon, I need to distract them.' I peered through the cabinet door, awaiting for their next move. Taehyung and Jimin are scooping out the scenery as I slowly grabbed the pan from behind me.

I winced, attempting not to scrape my arm against the wood as I sneaked out of the cramped space, slowly walking behind the cheerful man as I swing the pan as hard as possible at the man, once he was alone. A big bang echoed throughout the dorm room as I hid behind the couch,  as Taehyung's footsteps drew closer to my surroundings.

"Hoseok, oh my god, what happened to you!?" Taehyung examined the male with a worried expression plastered onto his face. My breathing hitched as I felt guilt stab my heart, feeling rather upset at the situation. I desired to reach out my hand towards "[M/N], I know you're in here! Come out now, and your punishment will be less painful than planned." Taehyung warned me with a growled tone laced in his voice.

I felt a chuckle arise in my throat as I watched Taehyung search the area. "What are you hiding from me? If you answer this, t-then I'll come with you." I whimpered loud enough to catch his attention. I could see the glint in Taehyung's eyes when he heard those words. I chuckled when he began to walk closer in my direction.

When the opportunity was at its highest, I slammed the pan across his face, knocking him unconscious. I smirked, trying to find my bag. On the way, I saw Jyushi snuggled on the plush bed. I grinned, holding him safely in my arms as I made sure to take Taehyung's car keys, running out of their dorms, without even looking back.

"Yuon, I'm coming to you soon. Just wait for me, please."

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