Chapter One

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Stripping down and doing various dances on a pole is rather exhausting, wouldn't you think so? Just imagine being a male in this situation, and literally getting a prostitute-like job, being assigned to seven males whose hormones go wild on a daily basis. I get paid, so I assume that it's worth it in the end. But I only have one simple rule. Just don't have any sexual intercourse with my clients, unless permission has been accepted. I mean, it shouldn't be a hard rule to follow, right?

Chapter One - What Deal?


"[Male Name], you need to be out in five minutes!" Hana, my boss exclaimed, knocking harshly on the metal door. I was finishing putting on my mascara with my black eyeshadow that stood out with my [Skin color] complexion. Brushing my [Hair color] strands out of my face while I adjusted my black bodysuit that wrapped all around my curves with some leather boots that made their way up my thighs.

With that, I slowly headed towards the silver pole that was placed in the center of the stage. Various types of people surrounded it, giving me fierce looks as if they could tear my clothes of with a stare, but I scoffed it all off. Hearing cat calls, I smirk, tapping the heel of my boot towards the ground, hearing a 'clanking' noise with every tap as the song, 'You Don't Own Me' started to play through the speakers. I started to dance on the pole, affecting all that surrounded me by setting them off in a daze.

My [Eye color] eyes scanned the room, looking for a target to prey on until I noticed a male with dark brown hair that matched his piercing eyes that were set on me with a flirtatious smirk on his face that allowed me to see is bunny rabbit teeth, which was really cute, to be honest. I studied him more thoroughly, noticing that he wore a white loose t-shirt with some black jeans, ripped in various areas. To top it all off, he wore some black and white Adidas. Honestly, he almost gave me a major boner. Almost, but I kept my cool and stride in his direction with a seductive look in my eyes, making him interested in my appearance.

He bit his lip, turning me on ten times more than I was already by his looks. I sat on his lap, facing in his direction. He looked at me as if he was questioning my motives, so I started to teasingly grind my boner against his. He held tightly onto my hips while he placed his head in the crook of my neck, releasing several groans and moans that sent me up to cloud nine. 'Now to finish what I started.' I grasp his shoulders, and pull him into a french kiss, something I rarely do with my clients. He was really feeling what I was doing because he forcefully pressed our bodies together and slid one of his hands down my boxers, touching me gently as I jerked up, groaning slightly into the kiss.

Removing my chapped lips from his, I move my way up to his ear, nibbling on it as he squeezed my dick one last time, making me release a larger groan aloud. I pant next to his ear as I slide my card in his bottom pocket as I grab his butt. Whispering in his ear, I say, "Call me if you need any assistance, alright honey?" I hop off his lap, and walk towards the dressing room rather slowly, swaying my hips side to side. As soon as I left, everyone erupted with praise of my past actions, causing me to crack a small smile. I know this isn't really one of the type of jobs that I should really be proud of, but I love how my efforts pay off in the end. I whipped my head around, looking for the mysterious man, but it was as if he vanished through the crowd of people.

I shrugged it off as I returned to my dressing room, wiping off the make-up on my face with a make-up remover wipe while I chug down some water from the bottle Hana left me. I take off my boots, and slide into some black sandals with a black, silky lace robe wrapped around my figure. I was attempting to relax until Hana busted through the door, having a look on her face as if she was heading to heaven even after all her rotten sins. She's a sweet girl on the outside, but she's spoiled and ruthless like the evil queen from Snow White. "You have a customer who's willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollar to me if I were to get you to privately dance for him!" The expression on her face was full of greed for money that I couldn't help but to gag at her very existence.

"There's no way that I'm being sold off like you did with those other strippers! The difference between me and them is that I'm a guy, and I have a life that I'd like to live!" I yelled angrily at the blond-haired female. I was tired of being treated like shit, and she's gonna know that. Hana started to become frightened of my appearance, rather easily, as I spat, "Maybe you should be in our position, wearing skimpy clothing as if we have no dignity. Maybe you should hold onto that pole as if it's the only thing that you depend on. MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE THE FUCKING WHORE WHO HUMPS EVERYBODY BECAUSE THAT WHAT GETS YOU PAID!"

I took a deep breathe before I muttered, "I quit working here. I'll find another way to support myself. I don't want to be at a place so low to where I can aim higher. I'm glad I realized this now before I make a mistake that I will forever regret." I grabbed my things, and rushed out of my dressing room. I was heading out the door of the club until the same attractive man from before was sitting there on his phone, texting someone as it seemed. I sighed, trying to walk past him without drawing too much attention, but he looked up before I even had the chance to walk out of this place.

I blush suddenly, remembering the earlier events as I apologized, "I'm sorry I touched you without your permission! It was my previous job before, so that's my bad!" I laughed awkwardly to myself as I waited for a response, but nothing came. He suddenly stood up, and walked over to me. Each step that he made increased my heartbeat, and decreased my very ability to breathe. He stopped when our bodies were pressed together once more, allowing him to stare down at my figure. Suddenly, he lifts up my chin to where I'm gazing into his soft eyes, causing me to erupt with embarrassment. 'Usually, I'm the one seducing the person, but this is totally the opposite way! I feel so embarrassed.'

He continued to observe my figure as if I was a masterpiece, causing me to start to get annoyed at his actions. "Do you have something to say to me or what!?" I informed sassily which made him chuckle under his breathe. He leaned towards my ear, the exact way I did to him, and whispered, "Jeon Jungkook." I tilt my head in confusion, wondering what he meant by that as he backed off a little bit, allowing me to breathe once again. He lifted my chin up, once again, to face him, forcing me to face him another time.

"You are really short too. Maybe even shorter than Jimin!" 'Jungkook' chuckled, causing me to get irritated as I quacked, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" He started to crack up at my sudden actions. When we both quite ed down a bit, 'Jungkook'
said abruptly, "Do you want to know about a deal I have in offer for you?" Everything he said after that grew the tension of this conversation, but I asked with a serious tone in my voice, "What type of deal do you have in offer, Jungkook?"

He smirked as explained, "If you 'assist' me and my friends whenever required, we will allow you to live with us, and get paid a fine amount of money on a daily basis. If my boss allows it, that is." I scoffed at his statement as I asked, "Why do you exactly want me to fulfill this job? I'm a guy, after all!" He wrapped an arm around my waist as he moved some hair out of my face as he answered, "Because you intrigue me," I chuckle at his statement. "so, what do you say?"

First time ever writing a smut fan fiction! I'm kind of embarrassed, yet proud at the same time! In the end, though, it doesn't matter as long as you all enjoyed it! I hope you did, at least. Anyway, please stay tuned for the next chapter!

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