☆ Heart-Break

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He was practically almost dead

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He was practically almost dead. Not moving a single inch from his bed to do anything but to breath.

The pain was too much for him. It clawed his insides to the point of numbness. He can't feel anything, not after admitting to himself.

He was in love. And he can't deny it. But what he can't deny is that he can't have her, no matter how deeply he fell for her, he doesn't deserve her.

He was a coward. A weak coward that was too scared to witness Haeran look up to see Jungkook was the one who saved her this time. Because deep down he knew, Jungkook was almost the right one for her.

But he refused to acknowledge that fact. Never. It was too much, it was overwhelming. He didn't want this to happen, he didn't mean to look too deeply into her, he didn't mean to care too much for her, he didn't want to fall for her, he only wanted to finish his normal rituals of his fuckboy senses.

It all turned on him.

He let's out a long, deep sigh. Finally moving his body to get up so he can go on a hunt to find some food. Wanting to forget a little so he can clear his mind.


Haeran was on her bed unmoved. She was blankly staring at the ceiling. She was numb, the image tore her brain as the scene played itself over and over.

Jungkook's worried face appeared later on her mind after the image of Jimin kissing the girl. She closed her eyes, releasing a long breath with a silent voice. A knock on her door made her open her eyes.

" Eonnie? Can I come in? " Came Roa's worried voice.

" Come in Roa " Haeran called out.

Roa came in, holding a bag of chips " you've been gone the whole day Eonnie, what's wrong? "

Haeran lazily looked at Haeran before letting her head fa to the pillow, going back to her lazy blank phase.

" Eonnieeeeeee " Roa whined climbing on her bed to jump on it childishly.

" I want to go shopping Eonnie ! I'm starting school in two days " Roa pouted.

" did something happen today? " Roa asked, settling to set on the bed criss-cross, opening the bag of chips.

" Roa, you're better in .. understanding emotions " Haeran suddenly spoke softly.

" tell me " Roa pressed. Haeran sat properly to face Roa.

" why does it hurt? " Haeran mumbled.

" What does? " Roa asked alarmed.

" my heart " she muttered as a reply.

" Eonnie .. did you go through another seizure? Oh my god ! Are you ok? I'll go call Eomma ! " Roa panics throwing the bag of chips to the ground.

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