☆ Mother

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Haeran woke up with a pounding headache. Her head felt like it's gonna explode, her breathing was uneven.

All because of a nightmare. Her heart is weak, it cannot take any kind of shocks. Especially when that nightmare has Haeran's mother in it.

Shaking her head, she weakly made her way to the bathroom to wash up and try to shake off the pain.

She limbed her way back to her room slowly, her heart was acting up and she had to take the medicine to calm it down.
Where did she put it?

" Haeran " the booming voice of her father made her legs weak, they gave up on her making her fall to the ground, breathing heavily.

She's going through another seizure.

" A-Appa " she wheezed painfully, trying to calll him. Her voice was weak, she doubted that he heard her.

" I called you brat ! What are you doing? " Her Appa came through the door to witness his daughter on the ground, going through the pain.

" Another seizure? " he cursed, dialing the 911 to come.

He searched for her emergency pills in the drawer of her desk, pulling them out, he made his way to shove a pill in her mouth to calm her down until the ambulance arrives.

Haeran's eyes let tears fall down. She gasped every breath, trying to make them reach her lungs but with each breath, her heart would feel like something pierced through it.

Her father felt sudden sympathy wash over him as he watched his only daughter suffer. He crouched down, letting his old side take over, and hugged Haeran.

Haeran's tears only became more as she felt her father embrace her. She hated it, she hated when he touches her. She couldn't help but grow a big grudge against the man who claims to be her father.

" It'll be ok " he soothed.

" I-It will n-never be ok " she rasped out, feeling sick of what's happening.

All of this is his fault to begin with.

The bell rings, Her appa had to leave the girl alone to get the nurses that came in the ambulance to aid her.

Haeran's breath cut short as her eyes barely blinked. Her eyelids were so heavy, they eventually shut down.

Along with her consciousness.

+ + +

Jimin been texting Haeran the moment he didn't spot her in school. He thought that she was just late or her classes changed but there wasn't a single trace of her.

Worry raised up in his heart as he began thinking of worst cases. What if her abusive family once again abused her? What if she's having a seizure and no one is around her? What if she's unconscious and alone?

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