☆ Fake

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" I'll be off to work then

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" I'll be off to work then. " her appa said, putting on his shoes. It was already Friday and Haeran was a scared mess.

She wanted to ask him to go out so badly, but she was too afraid to do so. She can already her the answer in the back of her head.

" H-have a good day at work .. " she bids almost inaudibly.

" you go to school and then return home quickly. " her appa warned.

That's all she needed to know to not ask anything further. She nodded sadly at his words.

She was disappointed in herself for having high hopes in going out with Jimin. She shouldn't of built any hopes. She has learned over the years not to ask for anything because she doesn't deserve happiness.

Jimin walked to school, hands in his pockets and deep in thoughts. Haeran hasn't texted him back this morning and he was in a bad mood already.

Just leave her. But he can't. There's something about her resisting him making him want to toy her even more.

Entering the school, he was greeted by so many students, both looked up to him or girls that just like him.
To him, they were a fake. And he didn't bother greeting back.

Only BTS are real for him. His real friends that wouldn't betray him.

Haeran just arrived at the school. No human recognized her existence. She couldn't care less though, it was better this way. Quitely as per usual, she makes her way to her locker to throw her backpack in it. She had P.E for firet period.

A class she really hates. She's not an athlete; she can barely run for 5 seconds and then collapses because of her current physical status. That's why she's always excused to sit by and just watch as students either suffer or enjoy P.E class.

She didn't bother to change clothes. She wasn't gonna do any effort anyway, so why bother? Sitting by the grass on her usual spot, she had a book with her to keep her occupied.

" Noona ! " she lazily took her eyes off the book to Jimin who was grinning.

And sweaty 

" Hi, why are you sitting here? " he asked, sitting few feets away from her.

" To read. " she simply answered.

" But why not join the rest in playing? Girls are playing vollyball " Jimin pressed into asking. He didn't expect to see her, he actually had no idea she was in this class.

He should of know. Namjoon is also in this class and he's her classmate.

" I'm not athletic " choosing to reply shortly, her eyes were glued ahead of her rather on Jimin. Her shy mode was activated because she never saw this side of Jimin before.

It was attractive with no denial. But she would, ever admit that outloud.

" Oh I see. Well, you should watch me play then. " Jimin did not give up on having her attention  to him. He was annoyed because she wasn't even looking at him.

Was he really not that interesting to her?

" Um .. ok " nodding awkwardly, she only made eye contact with him for few seconds before averting it back to the book.

Jimin felt his temper slowly burn. He hated it when she acts this stubborn.
But it was also odd. Almost exciting when she gave him a little bit of attention.

He slightly smirked as he thought of somwthing that might get a good reaction from her. His hand reached out to her hair, tucking the short hair from her face, back behind her ear. Finally making her face noticeable.

She was stunned to say the least. Looking at him with wide eyes, this was propably the most intimidating skinship she had with a male.

He only gave Haeran his signature prince-like smile.

" Don't hide your face noona. You have cute eyes. " he said still smiling.

Haeran's pale skin on her cheek flushed red. As her wide eyes turned to look away from him because she had no idea what to do.

" G-gomawo .. ? " she mumbled feeling embarrassed by the random skinship and compliment.

" No problem noona ! So I trust you'll watch me play? They're calling me now " he stood up, looking down at hee sitting form.

She nodded, not making eyecontact with him. With one last smile " I'll see you later then ! " with that, he turned to his football teammates.

" Hey hyung. Got anything out from her? " Jungkook, who was in the same team asked.

" A blush " Jimin kicked the ball in pure annoyance.

" I don't get why you're so upset. I told you, that girl is no joke " Namjoon rolled his eyes, he was against the idea of toying Haeran from the beginning.

" I'm upset because this is taking too long. " Jimin groaned. " It's a pain when I'm the only one doijg effort here "

" You can always give up. I'll toy her instead. " Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows.

Jimin kicked the ball at his younger friend to which Jungkook barely dodged.

" For the last time Jeon Jungkook. She's mine, don't. " Jimin firmly stated.

" I was just messing with you hyung. You're so possessive " Jungkook rolled his eyes 

Jungkook's eyes went to the female sitting alone in the grass. She had her knees pushed against her chest as she hugged them and rested her chin on them.

But what changed is that she had her face exposed from her short hair. And that really cute.

He shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. She's Jimin hyung's. I'm not allowed to.

" Let's go everyone ! " the coach blew his whistle.

+ + +

P.E class finally ended. Haeran actually enjoyed watching Jimin play and have fun playing. He looked so lively and energetic.

She mentally smiled. He called her eyes cute. Closing her eyes, she felt her heart beats fastened, but surprisingly, it felt good. Not bad like always.

" Hello noona " opening her eyes to be greeted by the much taller male, Jungkook.

" Hello. " curtly and shyly, she greeted back. Jungkook was the first one ti ever call her cute.

" I just wanted to greet you since I saw you. " smiling at her, he tilted his head " what class do you have next? "

" um .. history " she replied, feeling curious to why he's asking.

" Oh, History is pretty hard. Well, good luck noona, just wanted to greet you " Jungkook smiled again, then turned to walk away.

" Bye .. " Haeran mumbled. She knew he didn't hear her.

It was all weird. Jimin asking her out and being touchy with her. Then Jungkook beginning to act friendly towards her?

It all felt kind of unreal. Almost ..

Fake ..

But she was far from believing that all of this is fake. Because deep down, she kept lying to herself about this.

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