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"Hey Snas, how you spell yo' name? Is with an S or a Z?"

"what are you talking about?"

"Is S-N-A-S or S-N-A-Z? It sound like da' latter, but I's a baby, so I don't spell good."

"what exactly are you putting my name on?" asked Sans, eyeing the piece of paper in his brother's hand.

"Is a flyer."

"what's on the flyer?"



"Letters and a picture of you that I taked. Lookin' fine in dat lab coat big Buther..."

"seriously pap, what are you putting my name on?"

"Is a job wanted flyer! I knows you doesn't like working for Daddy for no monies, so I'm gonna get you a new one!"

Sans took the paper from his brother and began to read it out loud. "big-ass baby looking for work. cute butt, cute head, cute everything. has experience in being daddy's slave-bro you're not posting this."

"Why not?!"

"many reasons."

"You like being Daddy's slave?"

"no, but if we're starting with the obvious, this picture is inappropriate."

"It's yo' butt!"

"i can see that-"

"I took the picture so they knows I's not lying. There be a picture of your head and your feets underneath like a flippybook-"

"what is it with you and butts lately papyrus? you keep bringing them up and it's weird!"


"babies don't go through puberty."




"...I needs a doctor big Buther..."

Sans ignored him and continued to read the book he was holding, crumbling the paper Papyrus had made into a ball and shoving it into his coat pocket. He had hoped the act would make his brother get the message and go away, but the baby didn't seem to care that his hard work had been destroyed. Instead, Papyrus merely pulled out another sheet and began to scribble on it with a pen.

"Okay, how's dis? Big-ass baby looking for work, lossa experience being Daddy's slave. No butt stuff."

"papyrus, no. i appreciate what you're trying to do, but no. it sucks that i don't get paid, but i enjoy my job, so it's fine."

The Adventures of Fonttale Baby Papyrus!Where stories live. Discover now