They Just Stick to You...

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"...the townspeople cheered as the brave knight rode through the streets, the dragon's severed head in tow. the princess was impressed and so was the entire kingdom, not to mention relieved; their fears had finally been put to rest, as the head was proof that dragons were NOT as invincible as they seemed and the kingdom would always have a chance to survive as long as they believed in one another. the knight married the princess and they all lived happily ever after, knowing that if there ever was another giant dragon, there would always be hope if not a hero to save the day. the end."

Sans yawned loudly and stretched out one of his arms lazily, happy to have finally finished the story. The book was longer than he thought and his joints were now stiff and sore. It would have been nice to lay back and relax in bed while he read, but he decided to avoid it; knowing that if he fell asleep (which he probably would), it would no doubt anger his younger brother.

"What about da' people who cween the roads for the horsies?" asked Papyrus. "They happy too?"

"huh?" The older skeleton looked down at him in confusion, unsure of what the baby bones was talking about. "the what?"

"The street cweeners! If dat knight be riding with a giant head, then is probly bleeding erywhere. I bets the cweening people gotted real rich-"

"there wasn't any mess baby bro," said Sans rolling his eyes. "the dragon bled out before the knight reached the town, see?" He flipped back to the page with the picture of the knight riding through town and showed it to Papyrus.

"Ooooh! Dat horse be strong as hell! How it carry dat head?"


"Is a Peggysus?"

"a pegasus? wh-no, no pap, it's just a regular horse. pegasus have wings."

"Yeah, but maybe it growed out of its wings, like I growed out mah bones..."

"iiii don't think so bro," chuckled Sans.

He's so cute.

"But maybe it did! Maybe the horse think 'I doesn't need these wings no more cause' I's big now and big horsies eat hay stead' of birdies..."

"pegasus don't eat birds!"

"Yeah-huh! They eats the birdies cause' there be no hay in the sky and the earth be a dangerous pace for widdle babies."

"is that right?"

"Yep. They drinks the clouds cause' they be made of water par-ti-cles, and they lives in the sky till their wings fall off. People think they regular horsies, but they super strong and stuff," explained the baby, grabbing the sides of the book. Sans laughed into his shoulder as the infant flipped through the pages with a tiny hand.

The Adventures of Fonttale Baby Papyrus!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें