Chapter Nine: Family Tension

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"Here, have some Papyrus juice! It has sgetti in it!"

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"Here, have some Papyrus juice! It has sgetti in it!"

Sans walked into the kitchen and spotted his baby brother holding a pitcher full of...something. Apparently he was trying to get Gaster to drink whatever was in it.

C'mon Pap, Dad's smarter than that.

"It's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby."

"what, the juice?"



"I'm not drinking that."


"I meant what I said and no amount of yelling-"


"It wouldn't matter to me if you had made it for Jesus H. Christ, it's going nowhere near my mouth-"

"IS GONNA EAT THROUGH DA' CONTAINER!" yelled Papyrus, shaking the pitcher up and down.

"huh? what is? what's in there pappy?"

"Battery acid!" said Papyrus smiling. "I puts da' battery acid in there, cause' batteries taste good."

"I...can't tell if you're being an ass or not..."

"batteries do taste pretty good dad."

"Don't eat my batteries Sans, I need them. We have plenty of bleach though..."

I don't eat them, I just suck on them...

"NO! Dat's MY beach!"

"It's not."


"what else is in there pappy?"

"Wed Bull."

"hmm..." Sans eyed the pitcher thoughtfully.

If it's not JUST battery acid, it should be safe right? He said there's an energy drink in there..."

Sans took the container.

"Re-really Sans?"

Sans drank some of the Papyrus juice.


"ugh, this is spicy as hell..."

"You just drank sulfuric acid and Red Bull."

Sans spit several times onto the floor, as Gaster frowned at him; trying to get the awful taste out of his mouth. "well i'm not drinking it again! eww, it's got a sour aftertaste...*patoo!*"

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