Gettin' Big Mah Homie!

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"Nyeh, nyeh!"

"Can I help you?"

Papyrus giggled as he climbed as high as he could to the top of his father's head. He had been out for quite some time, but as Gaster had said, he soon recovered after only a month and a half. Sans had spent that time sleepless, wondering if his brother would ever wake up again. Had he nails he'd of bitten them down to the quick, but instead he had spent his time pacing his lonely room and driving himself mad, wanting to check up on Papyrus, but also not wanting to risk his brother's health. Gaster was actually impressed with his son's unexpected level of self-discipline and had rewarded Sans by allowing him to skip work, but all the child wanted was to hear his brother laugh again.

Now that Papyrus was awake, Sans was ecstatic and excited to do whatever the baby bones wanted to do..regardless of the consequences.

"hold up dad, it'll just be a minute. we need a blank piece of paper real quick."

"Well your brother's not going to find one on top of my head-"

"Baby high as hell! Nyeh heh heh!"

Sans snatched a piece of paper from Gaster's desk. "okay, got one! come on down baby bro," he said, holding out his arms. Papyrus hopped into them, snuggling into his hoodie.

Whoa! Bro's getting really big...that almost knocked me over!

"What is this for, Sans? Are the coloring books Papyrus stole not good enough for you?"

"it's not for me dad, pappy needs it to draw plans," said Sans putting his brother down and checking the back of the paper in his hands. Did Papyrus only need one side?

Gaster narrowed his eyes, immediately suspicious. "What kind of plans?" he asked warily.

Whatever it is, it can't be good.

"he's gonna help paint a building!"


"Yep, I's gonna do the art and Snas gonna help da' baby!"

"we're gonna make it all space-themed and-"

"What building are you speaking of?"

And who on earth was lazy and cheap enough to hire two children for such an important job?

"we don't know yet."

"You don't know?"

"We got to find a good house first, then we paints it...stupid."

"That sounds like vandalism."

"No! Is a fee paint job-"

"It sounds like you two are planning to spray paint a building."

"what's spray paint?"

They are.

"Da' black baby we sawed yeserday gonna teach us the art! They good at spay painting-"

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