"The Little Things" NedGer

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((This takes place a few months after the events in "Moseltalbrücke"))

The two walked down the street in silence, both too enveloped in their own thoughts to really mind the silence. In fact, they rather liked it this way.

Abel buried his hands deeper into the pockets of his trenchcoat, observing Ludwig out of the corner of his eye. When they got quiet like this, which was more often than not, Abel often found his eyes drifting over to Ludwig. Whether or not it was intentional was beyond him.

You see, Ludwig was quite a specimen to study. Ever since he had been brought back into Abel's life through an odd turn of events, Abel has found himself becoming rather interested with Ludwig. He's had to basically relearn and rediscover this man's personality and habits, since he had changed so drastically in these past few years.

It was somewhat a hobby of his, to study and learn people's ticks, to fully understand and predict their actions. Often in his long silences, Abel would observe everyone and everything around him. In what appeared to be disinterest, or an uncaring air, Abel would map out everyone he met. In fact, 'disinterest' and 'uncaring' were the complete antonyms of Abel's studies.

He studied people because he cared about them, and wanted to know what he could do to make them happy.

He observed his surroundings because he was curious about the world around him.

In no way did he mean to come off as quiet or aloof, but more often than not, he would be misread. If only other people cared as much as he did to study his personality...

Ludwig piqued his interest not because he was special, but because he was so different now than he had been previously; the stark difference startled Abel, more than he would like to admit. In all the people he had studied, no one had ever changed as much as Ludwig had.

Well...Maybe Ludwig was special in that respect.

But it's not like Abel had the time to work out the details.

Not only the change startled him, but it's the fact that it was Ludwig. Of all the people, he had never expected Ludwig to change in such a way...Maybe Abel wasn't as astute as he thought.

But it's not like Abel had the time to work out the details.

His green eyes scanned the German up and down, taking in his figure in it's entiriety. Ludwig's once strong posture was weak, his back slouching harshly, and his chin no longer aimed proudly at the sky. His hands were stuffed in his pockets as well, and his eyes were cold and dark, glazed over in thought.

Even now, Abel still wasn't used to the difference.

But, he was used to it enough to understand what kind of mood Ludwig was in. In the past months since they've rekindled their friendship, and relationship, Abel was able to succeed in convincing Ludwig to get prescribed some anti-depressants. He hadn't forced him, no, definitely not. But, he had made him understand that they would help him get back on the right track.

There were times where Ludwig wouldn't take the anti-depressants; whether or not he just simply forgot to, or if it was a conscious decision, Abel didn't know. He did, however, know that it happened frequently.

This appeared to be his second day in a row without them.

Though the fact that he did this completely perplexed him, Abel wouldn't force him to take them. He would let him do what he wanted; he wasn't his parent. But, on these days, Abel knew that Ludwig would need some small things to get him through the day, things that were easy to do. Abel found it easy to do these simple things for him- it wasn't hard to support someone you love.

They walked side by side still, their broad shoulders bumping together every so often. Abel withdrew his hand from his pocket and tapped Ludwig's pocket lightly with the back of his hand. This drew Ludwig from his catatonic state, almost seeming to startle him. His eyes flicked over to Abel for a moment, slowly beginning to register his surroundings.

Abel tapped Ludiwg's pocket again, and this time, he got the hint. Ludwig took his hand from his pocket, a faint blush dusting his cheeks when Abel held it gently in his own, as though it was fragile porcelain. Abel stared at him intensely, his green eyes holding an odd sort of protective fondness.

Ludwig blushed harder and averted his gaze, opting instead to scan the area for other people. His eyes landed on a couple who were sitting on a bench, and they were already staring at him and Abel. Moreover their intertwined fingers.

The looks in their eyes held nothing but disgust.

"Don't look at them."

Abel's voice startled him momentarily, and he turned to look at him, finding that Abel was glaring at the couple. Ludwig overheard the woman whispering something in her partner's ear, garnering a repulsed response from the man.

"What they think about us doesn't matter."

When they were past the couple, Abel's eyes traveled back to meet Ludwig's, the harsh look in them softening. Ludwig smiled at him weakly, his cheeks flushing red.

The way Ludwig looked in this moment...It, too, interested Abel. He felt his cheeks begin to warm up, and his heart felt lighter than it ever had before. The smile on Ludwig's face was enough reason to get hate from everyone else. It was worth it. So, so, so worth it.

He squeezed Ludwig's hand lovingly and placed a light peck on his cheek, not caring about the disgustful remarks they were getting. The way that kiss made him feel...it was strange. And when Ludwig looked back at him with those starstruck eyes...well, it was certainly something Abel had never felt before...

But it's not like Abel had the time to work out the details.

A.N. Heyo! After writing that previous one shot, I've started to warm up to this ship! I just kinda thought of this today, so I hope you like it!!

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