--Germany x Nyo!Germany-- Part 2

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Continuation of a request for, Sarah56643

  Monika's alarm went off with a resounding beep. Loud and high pitched, enough to awaken her from her long slumber. She lazily slapped the clock and it turned off.
  She felt sick, with an absolutely ravaging headache. Hangover? But she'd only had one beer last night....That she remembered... She felt drained of energy and sighed. She opened one eye and saw it was 5:04.
  With a yawn, she crawled out of bed. She moved too fast, however, and felt her head spinning and vision blurring. Monika saw that there was an open door, with a bathroom beyond it. She raced for it and threw up God only knows what. When she was done vomiting, and had regained her breath, she realized that she didn't have a bathroom connected to her bedroom.
  Monika stood up, slowly this time, and glanced at the features of the bathroom. A simple toilet, bathtub and shower combo, and a sink, which she was leaning her back against at the moment. She turned around and noticed a large mirror.
And, in the mirror was a man she did not recognize. He was tall, very muscular, with a sharp jawline, blue eyes, tousled blonde hair, and a fair complexion, save for the large bags under his eyes. She gasped, and so did the man.
  Monika paused, and placed her hand to her mouth in surprise. The man did that too. She managed to tear her gaze away from the mirror and looked at her arms. They were very large, with noticeable muscles. Not that her arms weren't muscled, but these were crazy!
  She ran a hand across her now flat chest, slowly grazing her abdomen and gasping at the reality that she wasn't herself. It seemed like some kind of nightmare. Monika looked back in the mirror and frowned.
  Not that this man wasn't attractive, he was, but she already missed her female body.
  Then she realized something, something she hadn't thought about until now. She didn't know where she was! Monika left the vomit-smelling bathroom and reentered the bedroom. It was then that the other door slammed open.
  "Yo Luddy I made pancakes and you're gonna eat them!!"
Monika nearly had a heart attack from shock. Her eyes quickly flicked over to the open doorframe. A man stood there, wearing only his boxers.
  He was about Monika's height, a little taller, but not as tall as 'Luddy'. He had a very pale complexion, even paler than she was, a toned abdomen with slight chub, short and messy cream colored hair, and mischievous red eyes.
  Monika felt herself blush, for two reasons. First, there was a shirtless guy who she didn't know right in front of her. Secondly, this man looked and had the same body language as her sister!
  The man then literally threw a plate of burned pancakes at her.
She ducked and heard the plate hit the wall. She looked over and saw that the plate wasn't broken, but it left an indent in the wall.
  "Why didn't you catch that??! That was a waste of pancakes!! Aghh whatever. Imma go eat my pancakes." The man huffed angrily before leaving, not bothering to close the door.
  She didn't really feel like eating though. And she had a strange feeling that she'd throw it up. Monika carefully followed the man into a kitchen. He then walked out of the kitchen into a lounge, where he placed his plate of pancakes on the coffee table.
  Well, he didn't seem to pose a threat.
  But, she had to figure out what was happening. She had to tell her sister! Monika walked back to the bedroom and searched it thoroughly for any evidence or clues that could explain why she was a guy, and why she was in this place.
  She didn't find any answers to those questions, but did find a wallet containing lots of info on who this guy was. Well, not a lot, but she knew that his name was Ludwig and that he owned a bakery. That was a start.
  Monika glanced at the clock nervously. It was 6:02!! She had to go to work!! Or, if she wasn't Monika, did she have to open up and work at the bakery? She walked back into the lounge, seeing the man already somehow asleep on the couch.
  He looked kind of cute when he was sleeping.
Normally, Monika would've bothered herself with wondering how he'd fallen asleep so fast, but living with Julchen as her sister, she understood very well. She had realized that Ludwig had fallen asleep fully clothed. This too she would've pondered about, but, seeing all of these empty beer bottles and having the symptoms of a hangover, she understood.
  She snuck past the sleeping man and opened the nearest door. It was another bedroom. Monika quickly closed it, hoping that she hadn't awakened him. Fortunately, he appeared to be a heavy sleeper. She opened the next door, finding a hallway lined with doors.
  Monika stepped out into the hall and carefully closed the door. She noted that it had the number 14 on the door. She rapidly made her way down the stairs at the end of the hall, her pace quickening as the need to see her sister became more urgent.
  She was practically running down the next hall, only stopping in the lobby when someone said Ludwig's name.
  "Hello, Ludwig!!"
Monika almost kept running, simply because it wasn't her name, so she didn't pay too much attention to it. Her eyes landed upon a man with his eyes shut and reddish brown hair falling into his face. He waved cheerfully at her.
  She gave the man a slight wave and a smile, and as she ran out of the building, she couldn't help but find the man oddly familiar.       
   Monika stopped when she got out of the building to read a sign. The street that Ludwig lived on was only a short distance from her place! In fact, she seemed to recognize some of the surrounding buildings.
  She took a right and sped off down the sidewalk, and right into something. She hit whatever it was so hard that she toppled backwards. After a few moments of pain and labored breathing, Monika decided to suck it up. She sat up carefully and rubbed her throbbing head.
  When she opened her eyes again, she saw that she'd run into a woman. Not just any woman....
  It was her.
  That was her body!!
  She didn't know what to feel, or what to say. Then, after an awkward silence, the two of them stuttered at the same time.
  "Y-you're me!!?"

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