"Something Else" AsaKiku

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  It was a beautiful morning, the birds softly singing, the early light of dawn seeping through the open doorway, the smell of fresh tea, and England yelling.
  Japan sighed and looked at the other man in confusion. Normally the two of them met at England's place, but it was an exception this time. England flew all the way over to Japan's place a couple of days ago, red as one of Antonio's tomatoes.
  Japan didn't need to ask what was wrong, as this happened every year at the beginning of July. England would stay at his place to vent about America for a few days, take a couple baths in the hot spring to unwind, then leave on the fifth of July.
  It was the fourth, the day that England would rant the most.
  "And that's why I can't stand America!" England yelled, flinging his hands in the air.
  "Mhm." Japan nodded, knowing that England would calm down sooner or later.
  "Agh! He's just so....So bothersome!!"
  Japan nodded once more. England wasn't particularly incorrect. But, it did seem as if he got annoyed a bit too often at America's antics.
  "I agree. But, shouldn't you try to be a bit more understanding? He is still pretty young..." Japan spoke up.
  "Well-wait what?" England looked at the smaller man in disbelief, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Japan usually didn't say anything when England ranted. Normally he just nodded and quietly took sips of tea.
  "He needs to calm down, but getting angry at him is not a good way to teach him. Try to be more loving, but also stern."
  England blushed at the word 'loving', and looked at his tea.
  "Well, you are his brother, right?" At the last word Japan looked up at the Englishman.
  "Ah, well, uh...Not really? I mean....No. We're not blood related." England made a large show of the whole thing,  blushing and waving his arms frantically.
  Japan's eyebrows tilted up slightly in light confusion. "You don't need to be related to someone to be family. If you know someone and love someone, they can become family. Only if your connection is strong. Like if you don't have parents, but you're taken in by a couple, you would consider them your parents, right?"
  "Uh...I suppose." England still seemed on edge, though Japan couldn't tell why. He wasn't too good at reading emotions.
  It was quiet for a moment, and Japan took the silence with a smile. He glanced outside at his garden, the warm sun heating his face. Until he was brought back by England's voice.
  "You sure are talkative this morning." His tone seemed rather somber....
  "I guess. Maybe it's just because I'm passionate about the topic." Japan took a small sip of his tea, and watched England curiously.
  Arthur was staring intently at the steam that rose from the tea, then, he gripped his cup. But, strangely, he didn't drink. His grip tightened, and his green eyes clenched in....some emotion.... Kiku wasn't too good at reading emotions....
  "What....What am I to you?" Arthur asked suddenly, turning his attention to Kiku, a slight blush evident on his face.
  Kiku didn't change his expression much, but a faint twinkle in his brown eyes meant something, said something.
  Arthur looked back at the table, almost appearing to be embarrassed. "Am I like a friend? Or an older brother?"
  Now Kiku was blushing, and he turned his head to the garden. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out for at least thirty seconds as he tried to think of how to put words to his emotions. "You're.... something else..."
  Arthur glanced at the Japanese man, and his blush deepened. "Oh."

  "I see."

  It was quiet once more. The two men sat there, awkwardly, neither of them knowing what to do or say.
  Arthur stood up, and Kiku looked at him. The shadows covered the Englishman's eyes, so he couldn't tell what he was feeling.....

  Kiku wasn't too good at reading emotions anyways.....

  Arthur walked away, but stopped next to Kiku. "I'm....I'll pack up my things. I have to go catch a flight to America and wish my brother a happy Independence Day...."
  He stood there, and Kiku saw his hand fidget nervously. Then, much to Kiku's surprise, Arthur bent down and placed a soft, gentle, and sweet kiss on Kiku's cheek.
  "Thanks for letting me stay here for few days. I really appreciate it, love."
  And he walked away to the other room.
  Japan's heart fluttered and skipped a beat.... It had never done that before. He had a slight pit in his stomach where butterflies tickled him softly.
  He placed a hand to his cheeks, finding that they had heated up considerably. With a smile, Kiku could only imagine how hard he must be blushing. A part of him wanted to see Arthur's face again, and see how he was feeling about it...But it probably would've been useless.

Since Kiku wasn't too good at reading emotions....

((Is that the ship name? Idk, but, I hope you guys like it! You can request if you want, but give me a prompt, because I'm not too creative))

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