"Temptation" AsaKiku

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Love wasn't something that Arthur particularly understood. He had only ever experienced something of that sort when he had met a man named Francis, though, he wasn't too sure about that. But, since it seems that he is eternally saddled with bad luck, Francis had passed away several years ago in a car accident. So, in a sense, he had never understood love since he had never experienced it.

But, that changed when he laid eyes upon a man named Kiku Honda. He was slightly shorter than Arthur, with silky black hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to hold vast levels of knowledge. He had a quiet and soothing voice, and a smile that was as pure and as beautiful as freshly fallen snow.

They got along quite well, laughing softly and drinking tea with one another. They were both very respectful of each other's boundaries, and they enjoyed intelligent conversations. Every time they met, Arthur felt his face heat up, his hands become unsteady, and his mind shake. Yeah, if he could describe love, it would be what he felt when he was around Kiku.

The only problem, was that Kiku was dating Arthur's brother.


The door to Arthur's small apartment opened softly, and he turned to see who it was. It was Kiku. It wasn't uncommon for him to stop by to visit Alfred every once and a while, but Alfred wasn't home, and wouldn't be for another few hours.

"Hello Kiku!" He said in a kindly manner that betrayed his real emotions.

"Hello." Kiku said simply as he slipped off his shoes and left them by the front door.

"Care for a spot of tea?"

Kiku came around the corner into the living room where Arthur was and smiled tiredly. "That would be lovely, thank you."

Arthur stood up and brushed off his clothes before making his way to the kitchen. He poured Kiku a small cup of tea and sighed. I'm a wreck. He observed his reflection on the tea, noticing how the ripples contorted his face.

I remember when we used to be such good friends...when did I become so nervous that I'm scared to go back out into the same room as him? This....this...this is horrible for me to be feeling this way...

He sighed once more, rubbing his face before returning to the living room with the tea.

"Here you go. Be careful, it's hot." He said with a quiet smile as he carefully handed Kiku the cup.

"Thank you Arthur." Kiku replied softly and grabbed the cup gently, their hands brushing slightly. "Uhm, Arthur, are you okay?"

"Ahh, why would you ask that???" Arthur asked loudly, somewhat startling Kiku.

"Your face is red. Are you sick?"

Arthur shook his head and covered his face with his hands. "N-no, I'm fine, just a little hot, that's all."

Kiku gave him a concerned glance, then looked back at his tea. "Okay then."

Arthur huffed in a mixture of relief and embarrassment as he sat back in his chair and grabbed his own tea. He lifted the cup to his lips, but paused when he saw Kiku lightly blowing at his tea in an attempt to cool it down, the steam floating around him. Why does everything he do look so elegant and cute at the same time?

Kiku looked up for a second, and they made eye contact.

Arthur flushed red and averted his gaze in a shameful manner. There, he was once again met with his reflection staring back at him from his tea. I am such a pile of garbage!!

They both set down their cups at the same time, and then it was silent. Arthur picked up his book and attempted to begin reading again, but he was too nervous, and he found himself fidgeting.

"Is there something on your mind, Arthur? You don't seem like yourself."

Arthur peeked at Kiku from behind his book and blushed for no reason.

"Uhm, I'm fine." His voice cracked halfway through the word 'fine', and he hid behind his book again. Stop being an idiot!!! He screamed at himself mentally. Arthur raised his eyes shamefully and glanced at the window, his eyes fixated on the rain droplets which rolled down the pane.

"I....It's really storming out there, eh?" Arthur asked, trying to make any sort of conversation. Before Kiku could respond, a boom of thunder shook the apartment, and made Arthur jump up slightly. He wasn't scared or anything, but he was so on edge that literally anything made him jump.

It was then that Arthur glanced over at Kiku and saw that he had accidentally knocked his tea onto Kiku, spilling all over his shirt and pants.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!! Oh my God--" Arthur's face was a deep red, and he was overcome with a strong urge just to hide. "I'm sooo sorry!!"

Kiku smiled back and chuckled softly. "It's fine, you didn't mean to."

"I, I'll get you some of Alfred's clothes to wear while I wash those! Wait just a second." He turned to go over to Alfred's room when Kiku responded.

"Actually, Alfred's clothes are a bit too big for me..."

Arthur turned back to face Kiku, confused as to why he was telling him this.

"But we're about the same size, so do you think I could use some of yours?" He then flashed him a bashful smile. "If that is alright with you."

Arthur's stomach began to flip out of control, and he felt himself twitching.

"Uhhhh ha hammmmh Y-yeahhhhhh..." He replied in a quivering tone before he took off down the hall.

I'm such a pile of garbage!!


He slammed his door shut and immediately crumpled onto the floor. I can't believe I spilled my tea on Kiku!! ... I can't believe he's going to use my clothes!! He was so full of emotions that he just wanted to scream, but with Kiku out there he decided that it would be best not to.

What am I going to do? I, I can't keep living like this, I have to do something!! But, what? Tell him? I can't! He's dating Alfred- my brother! He'd probably reject me, and tell Alfred. I've lost Alfred once, and I can't bear to lose him twice.

Once again, he was filled with the strong urge to yell.

He stumbled over to his closet and picked out his best clothes, he didn't want Kiku to think that he wore crummy clothes. With what felt like his millionth sigh that morning, Arthur walked back into the living room and handed Kiku his clothes with a weak smile.

"Here." He managed to croak.

Kiku took them graciously and smiled back. "Thank you Arthur."

"I...." Arthur started, but stopped, letting his eyes fall to his feet. Kiku made a small sound of confusion that sent shivers up Arthur's spine. Why is he so perfect? Kiku shifted anxiously in his chair, since Arthur was standing directly in front of him.

"Ughhhh..What I meant was, no..." Arthur shook his head, as if that would remove him from this situation, away from Kiku's curious gaze. "Ahh to hell with it!"

Arthur leaned in quickly, knowing if he didn't do it now, he never would. He held Kiku's hands in his, and intertwined their fingers, while connecting their lips as well. The speed at which Arthur had done so ended up pushing Kiku against the back of the chair somewhat aggressively.

Kiku made a soft noise which tickled Arthur's skin, and he pulled away shamefully.

And there they found themselves, hands intertwined and looking directly into each other's eyes, with the storm raging just outside.

Arthur had just placed himself in a storm of his own, hadn't he?

Was that good? I'm not that proud of how this turned out, but, eh. Any requests? (Please, I'm desperate-)

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