"Siren's Song" DenNor

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   Mathias’s family had always been fishermen. From his brother, to his father, to his father’s father, and his father before him. It was a tradition, it was an honor. So when Mathias inherited his father’s old boat and became the man of the house, he was overjoyed.

 Within a few days of his father’s funeral, he was out on the water. They weren’t very well off on the money spectrum, so they did not have time to waste. He threw his net into the water, excited to see what he might catch.

 The first few hauls earned him very few fish, much to his dismay. Then, soon, he was getting absolutely none. This was immensely infuriating and puzzling at the same time. Soon, night began to fall, and he decided to throw his net out one last time.

 With bated breath, he pulled the net back up, praying desperately for some kind of catch. And what a catch he got. When he pulled the net onto his boat, he was greeted with the strangest thing he’s ever laid eyes upon tangled up in his net.

  It was part man, part fish.

  The man portion had skin as pure and white as alabaster, free of any blemishes. He had wide hands with long and spindly fingers. Large flaps of skin connected the fingers, quite like a frog’s feet, and large claws grew from its fingertips. On its thin neck were several slits that were flapping in a rhythmic manner, which Mathias soon identified as the gills.

 It had silky pale blonde hair that shone almost silver in the moonlight, and was clipped back with a single white cross pin. It had a long, thin nose, and shining pink lips that were pulled back into a small but noticeable frown. Its eyes were half lidded in annoyance, and held a dull shine to them. The eyes, in and of themselves, were a gorgeous shade of muted purple that stared deep into Mathias’s soul with disenchantment.

 The fish portion started slightly below the navel, with white scales that blended into its skin. The only way to tell that they were scales was that they would sparkle in the moonlight when it would move. From those scales began a gradual gradient of purples and violets. The scales at the base of the tail, and the tail itself, were a shade of purple so dark that it seemed to be black.

 Mathias was rooted in his spot, strangely unable to move, but compelled to touch the creature. It seemed to emanate a faint glow, and was hauntingly beautiful, its tail occasionally thudding against the deck in no particular pattern.

 It was the most gorgeous thing that Mathias had ever seen.

 Deep in his gut, he felt a magnetic force, pushing at him earnestly. Touch the creature. Touch the creature. Touch the creature. But no matter what he felt, he could not move.


 The creature’s voice shattered all of Mathias’s thoughts, giving him a strange feeling of vertigo. It spoke softly and dangerously, its voice laced with a poisonous tone of threats. It seemed to speak in slow motion, and Mathias saw its lips move slowly and somewhat tantalizingly.

 “Free me from this net.”

 A quiet wheeze was all that left his mouth, and soon the thoughts started up again, jamming unfavorably into his brain. Feel its skin. Touch its scales. Run its hair through your fingers. Kiss its lips. Mathias blinked harshly, trying to force the thoughts out of his mind.

 These aren’t my thoughts!

 “Human,” The creature started again, allowing its sharp fangs to be shown. “I said, free me from this net.”

 When Mathias still did nothing, the creature sighed. It closed its eyes for a moment, before opening them suddenly. They were open wide, and shone brightly, almost as if they were enshrouded in a purple flame.

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