"Sleepy Sundays" AmeriPan

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  A large crash of thunder thudded loudly in Kiku’s ears, startling him slightly. It was storming terribly outside, with so much rain streaming down the panes that you couldn’t even see outside. Him and his boyfriend, Alfred, had originally planned to go to the beach that day, but this sudden storm rendered them trapped in their houses.

 Alfred still insisted that Kiku come over though. And, by the time Kiku had arrived at his house, Alfred was already drunk, with his reasoning being, “We aren’t going anywhere anyways.” He tried to get Kiku to have some, but he politely refused.

 So, since Alfred was too inebriated to play board games, they were watching a movie together on the couch. It was rather chilly, partially because the storm and partially because Alfred was too cheap to pay his heating bill, so they shared a large blanket.

 At first, they were sitting next to each other...Then Alfred inched closer, placing his arm around Kiku’s shoulder. Before Kiku knew it, Alfred was completely laying against him, nuzzling his shoulder in a manner somewhat akin to a cat.

 Alfred was a rather…’touchy’ person, hugging everything in sight. Kiku had gotten used to this, since he sort of had to, but he didn’t really like too much contact. He was alright with an occasional hug, or an arm around his shoulder. And, in fact, he rather liked holding Alfred’s hand.

 But, this was a step forward that he’d never had before.

 By this time, Alfred was completely sprawled out, hugging Kiku in a haphazard manner. He had grasped his hand, and began to study it intently.

 “...Alfred…” Kiku whispered softly.

 Alfred seemed not even to hear him. Instead, he looked up at Kiku with a dopey smile and a drunken blush on his cheeks.

 “Your hand is really soft!” He sang cheerily.

 Kiku sighed confusedly, but he couldn’t help to admit that Alfred was being rather adorable. He turned his attention to the movie, realizing that he’d been too distracted by Alfred the entire time to actually watch the movie. All he knew was that it was a romance movie.

 When Alfred was drunk, he had a soft spot for romance movies. (Which he would never admit to when he was sober)

 “Jennifer,” The picture perfect man on the t.v. spoke soothingly as he held his girlfriend’s hands. “I’m so happy that you decided to move back.” He then placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

 Kiku scoffed faintly at the movie. How absurd. He realized that he didn’t hear Alfred making his usual stupid drunk ramblings. He turned his head and saw that Alfred had sat up slightly, staring at Kiku intently.

 “Uhhm--?” Kiku started to speak when suddenly Alfred leaned in. “What are you doing?” He asked as he placed his hand on Alfred’s chest, holding him back lightly.

 “...I’m doing what that man did on the t.v.” He responded simply, his voice taking on a childish tone.

 “...Why?” Kiku asked with a small frown.

 “Because I love you.” Alfred said in a pouting manner. He leaned in a bit more and placed a soft kiss on Kiku’s forehead.

 Kiku giggled softly. “That tickles.”

 Alfred laughed with him, and kissed the tip of Kiku’s nose. “Does that tickle too?” Before Kiku could respond, Alfred kissed him lightly on the lips, his mouth kind of trailing off of Kiku’s. His aim was a bit off since his alcohol consumption.

 Kiku couldn’t help but laugh more at Alfred’s attempts of being romantic. He just turned out being unreasonably cute.

 “Stop laughingggggg…” Alfred whined as he pulled Kiku into a hug. They gradually laid back down into their previous position, with Alfred trying to (unsuccessfully) tickle Kiku by poking his stomach.

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