"Say It" PruHun Songfic

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A.N. Bold words are song lyrics

Say it

 Elizaveta was laying on her bed, her long brown hair sticking to her skin from the sweat. It was so hot that night that she thought she might spontaneously combust. With a sigh, she let her green eyes trail towards the open window.

 There was a faint breeze blowing by, making the white curtains swirl. That’s where Gilbert used to come and visit her. He’d sneak over to her place late at night and they’d chat the night away.

 At that thought, she felt her heart tremble weakly.

Hey, I’m actually coming to realize,

You know, those words you said…

 She remembered that one night that he had brought beer along with him, and even though they were underage, they both got insanely drunk.

After not thinking about them for a while,

 She didn’t remember the events of that night, but she did remember one thing. She could never forget his smile, his bright shining smile. His cheeks were flushed red from the alcohol, making him appear as if he was blushing, and his head was bobbing to the beat of his laughter.

 It...It was cute.

I totally forgot them.

 The next morning, she woke up to see Gilbert’s face directly in front of her own, sleeping peacefully. He looked so pure and innocent when he was sleeping, it was hard to tell that he was even the same person. His lips were slightly parted, and they were an oddly beautiful shade of pink, contrasting against his pale skin. She, for some reason, had the strongest urge to kiss them.

 She felt that his arm was lazily draped over her, and she had begun to worry about what they might have done that night. Elizaveta examined him, trying not move much so that he didn’t wake up.

 He was shirtless, but he still had his pants on, and she had nothing removed from her. She sighed a sigh of relief and went to slip out from under his arm when she heard him say her name. It was rather faint, and at first she thought she was imagining it. But a few seconds later, his arm pulled her closer, and he mumbled sleepily,


Living blindly, recklessly, full of delusions

 A moment later, his eyes fluttered open softly, his white lashes somewhat akin to a butterfly. It took him a moment before his eyes began to study her face intently, then how they were laying together…

 He flashed her a toothy grin, and a look of victory shone mischievously in his red eyes.

 Ugh! That look-! It made her want to punch him, and kiss him at the same time. Why was he always so aggravating?

 “Hey.” He said simply as his smile widened. It seemed as though he knew that she wanted to kiss him, and that made him all the more annoying.

 She wrapped her arms around his neck and inched closer, so that the tips of their noses were touching. “Hey.” She replied, an impish glare in her green eyes.

 He chuckled and brought his lips to hers, but didn’t kiss them. They merely wisped past each other, sending a chill down her spine and causing goosebumps to flare up unfavorably on her skin.

 “Do you like that?” He teased, letting his teeth graze her bottom lip.

 “You’re such a douchebag.” She said coldly, with a light hint of jokingness to it.

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