A Bit Of Info About How I Write

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  So, tomorrow I should be posting a story, I just need it to be proofread. Until then, would you like to hear the complex character analysis that I use to write? You wouldn't? Well too bad!
  Honestly, I bet no one is actually going to read this.

  So, each character is rated on two scales, the sexual scale and the romantic scale. The ratings on these scales determine how they act with a certain partner with different ratings, and they can also be cancelled out or clash.

  Example, Prussia
  Highly sexual, a little romantic

  Note that these are just my interpretations of these characters
  So if you mix Prussia with Hungary (Medium sexual, quite romantic), you get a bit of clashing, but not so bad that it doesn't work.
  Or Prussia and America (Medium sexual, little romantic), you get an obviously more sexual relationship.

  The third factor is dominant and submissive traits. They typically have a recessive and, well, dominant trait that also determines their interactions.

  Example, Prussia
  Dominant, dominant. Recessive, none (will be damned if he isn't the dominant one)

  That's why him and Russia, (Dominant dominant and no recessive), clash so much. They're both fighting for dominance, and it could turn out abusive.
  But Prussia and Hungary/America (Both are Dominant dominant, with recessive submissive), mix somewhat well. Characters with their combinations are typically dominant, but if it's in the right situation or with an obviously more dominant partner, they can be submissive.

  A confusing character for me is France. He is highly sexual, and highly romantic; not to mention that he has both submissive and dominant as his Dominant.
  That is because I feel as though he is more into pleasing his partner than himself, therefore, he is whatever his partner wants, in the sexual side. In the romantic side, however, he is dominant.

  Another strange one is England. He is what is called a recessive highly sexual, and a medium romantic. This means that he is highly sexual, but he doesn't show it, or tries not to.
  His traits are also confusing in the fact that he is Dominant submissive, recessive dominant. He is typically submissive with a partner like France, but if paired with someone like Japan, he gets strangely dominant. He is the only one with those traits that gets oddly dominant, almost as if he might be a Dominant dominant.

   So there's my complex system! I like how I spend all of this time analyzing characters, and my stories are still shit 😉
  Make sure to read, comment, and vote! It means a lot, and I would love to hear some commentary or requests!

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