So This is What Freedom Feels Like

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::CHAPTER 12::

Imagine living like a king someday. A single night without a ghost in the walls. And if the bass shakes the Earth underground, we'll start a new revolution NOW.

"A week of freedom." Jenna holds up her plastic cup of soda.

"Yeah." I hold mine up and so does Darek.

"To...being free of all the shit in the world!" Jenna laughs.

We all "clink" our cups together and laugh.

I scoot out my chair and walk to bed. "I think I'm gonna sleep early."

I change into a gray tank top and red sweatpants. I put my hair in a ponytail, leaving my red bangs hanging in my eyes.

I snuggle in bed and stare at the ceiling.

I wonder what's going on everywhere else. Is everyone happy I'm gone? Worried? I shouldn't worry about it.

I toss and turn for a while, thinking about my mom and siblings. Do they miss me? And little Patrick will never know me.

The thought of my family makes my stomach turn. I run to the bathroom and puke my guts out. I cry as I vomit.

I hear footsteps and two arms wrap around me.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. Relax."


I fall to my knees, his arms still around me. I face him and he cleans me up.

I hug him and calm myself.

"Slater, it's okay. Calm down." He kisses my head.

"I-I just c-can't stop thinking about my family." I sob.

"Slater, we're your family. Me and Jenna."

I smile and let him stroke my hair. I stand up and snuggle back in bed.

"Hey, Slater." Jenna walks in the room. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah." I smile.

She runs a hand through her blue-green bangs and starts changing into a white T-shirt and green athletic shorts.

"You know Darek loves you. And he told me he would do anything for you." She gets in her covers.

"I love him too." I yawn. I soon drift off.


"AHH!" I scream. I cover my mouth and sigh of relief that I didn't wake anyone.

I had a nightmare. My min was there. Rachel was crying for me. And Patrick was crying too. Like everything was my fault.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a soda.


"Hey Darek."

"What are you doing up? It's 2am."

"I had a nightmare. What about you?" I ask.

"Same." He wraps his arms around me.

He cups my face in his hands and kisses me. Then he pulls me into a deeper kiss.

He looks at me, into my silver eyes.

"I love you. I will do anything for you. I will keep you safe forever." He whispers.

We sit on the couch and watch some TV. After a while I start growing tired. He cradles me in his arms and strokes my hair as I fall asleep.


I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon.

I stretch and walk to the kitchen.

"Morning, Slater."

"Hey, Jenna."

"Made you breakfast." She hands me a plate.

"Oh, thanks." I sit down and start eating.

"I saw you and Darek cuddling." She giggles.

"I had a bad dream and he helped me. And we...might've kissed a little." I blush.

"Aww. You guys are so cute."

"I love him."

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