Starting Over

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::CHAPTER 11::

We scream. We shout. We are the fallen angels.

"You can stay at my place. It's kinda...loud." Jenna shrugs.

"That's okay." I say.

We walk to her house.


She lives in a mansion?!

A marble fountain with angels. Golf course. Fifteen-foot pool.

She walks me inside.

Huge halls. Gold-painted doors. Chandeliers in every hallway.

I'm about to say something when I get swept off my feet and land on my back.


"Hey, get back here!" Jenna shouts.

She comes back with a spotted thing in her arms.

A baby cheetah.

"What?" I say, picking myself up.

"This is Jinxie. I found him when me and my mum went to Africa a month ago. When I was on my way to the airport, I saw him laying on the side of the road, bloody and crippled. He was a newborn. Runt.

"I hopped out of the car, while it was going maybe 60, and picked him up. I put him in my purse and snuck him home. I wrapped him up and saved him.

"I'm taking him with us." She kisses his head.

"Sounds cool." I crack a smile.

She took me to her room. Her walls we painted black with posters of different bands all over them.

"Okay. So you can stay over tonight and we'll leave tomorrow. Okay?"

"Yep. Your room is so cool." I grin.

"Haha. Thanks."

The door flies open and a tall, pot-bellied man stands at the door.

"JENNA! WHERE'S MY DINNER?!" He shouts, smoke coming out of his mouth.

Jinxie hops out of Jenna's arms and hides under the bed.

"I already made it for you." She says timidly.

"LIAR!" He throws his beer bottle at her. It hits her in the head and she stumbles backwards.

I help her gather herself.

"Now make me some frickin' dinner!"


He grabs her arm and drags her to the door.

"NOW!" He puts his cigarette out on her lower neck.

She yelps in pain and holds her hand over the wound.

"Let's go!" He drags her out of the room. I hear him slapping her and wince.

I get on my knees and look under the bed. Surely enough, Jinxie's there.

I pet his head and smile.

I get a text from Darek.

Darek: Coming home early! :D

Slater: That's so great! Come over to Jenna's house.

Jinxie comes out and hops on my lap.

"Hey, buddy." I kiss his head.


Jenna walks into the room. Her face is red and bruised.

"Jenna?" I ask.

She sits next to me and cries. Jinxie hops onto her lap.

"I'm just so glad we're leaving tomorrow." She smiles.

"Me too."


I wake up. Jenna's packing all her clothes into suitcases.

"Ready for today?" She grins. She wears a black tank top and a dark pink, plaid skirt with a chain. On her feet, she wears combat boots with spikes on the toe.

"Yep." I walk to the mirror and brush my hair.

"Here." She tosses me a white sweater and some black jeans.

"Oh, thanks."


There's a knock on the door.

"Darek's here." Jenna says.

I run to the door and open it. Before Darek can say a word, I throw myself onto him and kiss him.

He spins me around and puts me down.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whisper.

"Me too." He kisses my head.

Jenna walks over. "Ready?" She smirks.

"Yes." We say in unison.

"Okay." We all walk outside and walk to Darek's "house."

We walk in and set up our stuff. Jenna and I share a room. She puts her blue covers on her bed, with band posters all around it.

"Time to just...start over..." I fall onto my bed and laugh.

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