30 From Hate to Lust, to Love

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"Okay, who will handle the CCTV?" Silvia asked again.

"You will handle the CCTV" I told her for the thousand times.

"Yes, and I told you I am not capable of hacking or sneaking in to any IT system let alone stand alone cameras" she said irritated.

"Silvia, this is not the time I can baby sit you. Find a way to do it"

"F*ck you Brad. You are taking Derek and John with you. If you mess up, they can get killed as well. So get your f*cking act together" she said furiously.

I was feeling restless and annoyed by this time. I know there is too much at stake. My mind is not working properly.

"Silvia, can you handle it please? My mind isn't at the right place"

"There is only one way to go about this. We don't have the infrastructure nor the expertise to do this. Either we find someone who is as talented as Hayah in hacking these camera or we abandon mission"

Derek chose to walk in at that moment and inquire about the problem.

"Babe, can you remember Robert (From Hate, to Lust to Love book) from ZTec ? We were asked to monitor his company for aiding Palestinians and creating a portal for voicing their concerns" Derek asked Silvia.

"Yes, that guy was a real pain in the ass. He kind of know everything about everything. What about him?" she asked while I edge closer to listen to the conversation.

"He can help with the infrastructure and hacking. Listen, Hayah's story has gained international press. This guy surely must know about it. We can approach him and ask if he can assist with taking down the camera. If not, we pray to God and make a move" he said looking at me.

"I will not take unnecessary risk with yours and John's life. But how is this guy going to help us steal drugs? Don't get me wrong, helping Palestinians is not like stealing drugs. And I have to tell Stuart about our plan, and I don't want to tell anyone else. Who knows, before we go there, it would be all over media if this Robert decides to go public" I voiced my concerns.

"We don't have to spill the beans to him. He is smart. Robert tracked us before we could even get a watch on him.  He is very sharp. We tell him what exactly we want. Or better we can ask Stuart to help given our lousy human right violation records" Derek again made a valid point.

"I'll speak to him" I said firmly. I have to take the chance. I watched the news while a go and I saw children been killed in the great march of return in Gazza. This has become more than a mission of justice for myself or Hayah. We all felt it is a mission for justice for humanity. And we will take the chance at it.

I found Robert's number and called him. I got about an hour to get this right or I will lose the drugs I am intending to steal for good.

"Robert please"

"Yes, this is Robert"

"This is Brad. You would know Silvia and Derek, but not sure if we had met" not the best introduction but I am not in the mood for polite chit chat. After giving some more info, Brad did remember all of us.

"What can I do for you Brad?"

I like him. He is no bullshit kind of a person. Straight to the point.

"I need someone to hack the New York drug cartel CCTV for about an hour"

"And?" He asked perplexed. 

"And I am wondering if you can do it for me" i didn't waste time either.

"Why would I do that?" He asked amused.

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