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I sat opposite Brad and Derek. Silvia had some legal work she to complete, so was not present at the police station. And surrounded me were like hundreds of lawyers from different rights and solidarity groups. I didn't understand why Brad wanted me to surrender. I could have eventually convinced my innocence. But I know he has a plan, and I have to do anything that can help the plan.

"We need to arrest you Ms. Hayah Ahmed on Robert Santana's murder case" the police officer told me. All the lawyers presented had warned me to remain silence regardless whatever provocation they make. They asked me to keep repeating that "I wish to remain silence" like a prayer. And that is exactly what I am going to do.

Brad looked very concerned and worried. But I know he doesn't have a choice.

"Don't worry love. You will be out before a weeks time" he said, and I nodded before they took me away. The last thing I saw in Brad's face was pain and sadness. And it hurt me too.

They took me to a facility where I had to share the room with another woman. She has been convicted murdered of couple of people including her fiancé. She looked at me cynically as I entered the cell. I had to remove my abaya and wear the prison uniform. I did it without feeling anything. Everything will be okay. That's what I kept saying to myself.

When someone is used to their dignity being ripped off at a young age, then abused mentally, physically and sexually, the person become immune to certain things the others might find embarrassing or offensive. Though my heart is with Brad, and piece of it is buried with Musa, I did face rape for whatever the reasons they maybe, and that shaped me in some way.

"So I get a Muslim bitch, ya officer?" the woman asked the officer who lead me to the cell.

"Kate, I want no trouble. She is high profile. Some wants her dead and others would kill to keep her alive. If you get involved in this mess, they will feed you to sharks piece by piece. Now did I make myself clear?" the officer asked Kate, my cell mate. I was stunned by the explanation given to my new roomie. I mean, really? High profile? Like I am serial killer.

But thankfully kate's eyes got widen and her open hostility turned to curiosity. After I was locked in the cell, Kate assessed me head to toe. I disregarded her completely. I have dealt with the IDF animals who are the hardest of criminals alive. So dealing with an offender like Kate is nothing.

"So what did you do to become high profile?" she asked at last.

"Well, I did nothing"

"Did doing nothing got you in to this prison? what do you think I am? A fool?" she asked me. I was explained over and over again about the legal complications in my case. I am to talk to no one about anything.

"Well, the last time I confide in someone about what happened, that person ended up dead. So still you want to hear?" I asked her with an arch eyebrows. Intimidation is the last thing that can and will happen here. Kate looked at me like I was really crazy and I let her believe the worst of me.

I was in my cell for about couple of hours before I was taken for questioning. Though outwardly I know how to hide emotions, inwardly I was shaking like a leaf. Couple of officers were there. No lawyers. I was told this would be the hardest part. Well, let me see.

"I am officer Johnson, and this is my team who are on your case. Take a seat Hayah. We need to talk" he said, and I obediently sat. Brad and some lawyers told me what to reveal and upon which to remain silent. So I started my story when they interrogated me.

"I am a Palestinian. It was there I first saw Hanson. Due to a confrontation I had with one of his soldiers, he arrested me. His crimes and how he treats women and children are common knowledge now. It has been shown with evidence by all media and I wish not to comment on that" I told them. It is essential I say it to avoid questions being asked about Musa.

"How do you know his involvement with children and women?" a nasty looking man with a smirk on his face asked me.

"Gazza is an open prison. No one comes in nor anyone goes out. Prisoners are taken from one open prison to a closed one, then they return back to the open prison. And when they come, they share experiences they had in the prison. And children come with sexual abuse and women sometime come abortions which are also performed in the prison after raping them continuously. All evidence are released to the media, which you can see for yourself. I have a hand in it. That is how Hanson again grew interested in me"

By this time I was asked millions of questions and I answered them truthfully. There is nothing to hide in this. Then I told them how a silicon baby was left outside of my house, and how I called Brad. I had to twist a little on Brad's story.

"I know Brad from my days in Palestine. He was there when I was arrested, and he knew I had a part in releasing some information to the media. So, I called him"

"How do you get these evidence against Hanson?" Officer Johnson asked me.

"In that I wish to remain silence" I told them. Brad told me to go with that story. Latter we can reveal who gave me the info. They tried threatening and bullying me to confess. I kept repeating the mantra "I wish to remain silence" and they gave up.

I narrated everything that was on the video up until we left my house. I also told them I knew Robert, and we were working closely on exposing agendas that are against Palestinian and their rights. And I told them, I sent all the details to Robert and that is all what I had to do.

"How come the knife with your finger print was used to kill him?" they asked me.

"I don't know how it was used as I told you, I was with Brad, Silvia and Derek" I told them.

"What could have been the motive if you were to kill Robert?" they asked this question and many infuriating questions. And I kept replying for some and for others I kept repeating my mantra "I wish to remain silence"

It this during one of these questions I remembered something. I hacked in to government websites, especially traffic department and changed the traffic lights. My log will be there if they do a search in their back log. I certainly can get the information. I used my computer. If I give the right commands, they can trace it to my computer. So this can be used to prove my innocence along with the videos. After all I have 3 witnesses who say I was with them.

Now all I have to do is find a way to speak to Brad.


Leaving Hayah behind in that prison blew me in to pieces. I was very distressed but there is no time for personal emotions here. I need to work out a way to get her out. I worked with the lawyers tirelessly for couple of days. We need to apply for bail but unless proven innocent they will not grant bail to Hayah. So I started to panic. I told Hayah I will get her out in one week. What if I cant? What if it takes longer? What if something happen to her while she is there? They refuse to let me speak to her for the last couple of days. It is only the lawyers were allowed.

Hayah told the lawyers that she can back track the traffic manipulation records from her laptop. And that could help. But it was very unlikely. But then another thought crossed my mind. We dropped Hanson at God forbidden place. All of us including Hayah got out of the car. If the traffic camera have captured that, then we can prove her innocence without any doubts. Now the problem is to get those data and videos. If so much as a wind pass out on this, Abraham and Hanson will delete the records.

"Derek, can I have a word please?"

He joined me, and I explained him the situation. We need to get see if this video exists, and if it does check if it can be used. Then we have to get not only a copy of it but also make sure the video doesn't get altered.

"Can we give this to Silvia? She is quite capable of handling such things" he asked me.

"Yes, help her. If there is some entry, we can free Hayah and that is important right now than anything else"

And then I saw the news where the #FreeHayah hashtag which has gain popularity is trending all over the world.

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