4 In my name

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I felt like a lightening just hit me. I have done many things in life. But she is where it all started. She is the beginning of my ruthless and emotionless state. I suffered, and to end my suffering I did what I ought to do. I remember her clearly. It is one part of my life I prefer not remembering. But do I regret? No, I don't. I would do it all over again if the result is making me in a place of such advantage.

To say I was feeling is an insult to my upbringing and training. No, I wasn't feeling but I was shocked. It is like what one feel when they meet their first crush, but in my case, the first of millions of my victims.

"Silvia, move this damned crowed. Book a hotel. I think I am going to stay here for sometime"

"Sir" she asked confused.

"You heard me"

"But sir, we have an urgent situation back at head office" she said confused.

"The head office may go to the devil. I am going to have an interesting encounter" and I tore my eyes from the object of my scrutiny.

Well, well, well. Who said the past doesn't haunt one in their merry days?

There is no need to get anyone but myself involved in what I am going to do. My orders were rape and kill. Instead, I raped her and left her to die, which apparently she hasn't. Taking this up would bring unpleasantness on me which I have no intentions of facing.

"Silvia, what happened and what will happen in the future will be strictly between us. Disobey me and you will be sorry you were born" I told her in my most alarming voice even dad has come to fear.

I wasn't a cruel person but things changed. Dad changed me and now even he cant control me. He knows he killed every good thing in me. And in return I am not hesitant to do anything which might / might not harm him without given a f*ck. Everyone know after my father, I inherit everything. And I know some people fear the day as I am nothing like what the world has seen before. I am nothing like the world can handle.

"Yes sir" Silvia said knowing well what it means.

I walked back to my limo which is parked somewhere little further to get as little attention as possible, but I turned one more time to look at the woman who wish she either to stay put or died the day I left her. And I gave her my most startling smile. A promise she will pay for what she did.


He smiled at me. And I knew then that things are going to become ugly. It is the exact same smile he gave me the last time I saw him. It is a smile which says the power and money he has and has built over the years. It is a smile which says he remembers me and know things I wish he didn't. But will I go down without taking him down? He has to wait and see.

I found him after searching the entire universe. Either Brad, his father or the Zionist pack he is associated with will get me. I have no doubt about it. And I wanted it. In the name of everyone that is been killed, rapped and reduced to animals by the likes of him, in the name of people whose land and homes are been ripped off from them, in the name of people who are reduced to nothing but numbers, in the name of people who are living the lives of dead, in their name and in my name, I will avenge. I know it takes a lot to destroy the Zionist elements who are destroying the Palestinians, but I know I can harm them. It will not be something they can recover from. And that give me the pleasure of knowing my life wouldn't be wasted after all.

"And here you are. I told you not to move about" Rumi said coming behind me.

"I wanted to see the crowd more clearly. Surprising that they are leaving already" I said calmly.

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