11 Taming her

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I waited for Brads call the following day as I got a message from my friend in Palestine, Tariq saying there is a whispering about releasing prisoners. Ayad is the only open source communication I have which can be tracked. I have tried him to use secure methods but I couldn't get him to do so until now.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, my cousin had gone to see his son yesterday and he had said the prison guards were speaking of a release" he said optimistically.

"Okay, good to hear that. Can you confirm when the children return home? And let me know the list of any missing and retained children?"

"Why Hayah? What can you do? Soon after Musa died you fled Palestine, leaving us behind" he said and I panicked.

"Idiot. I have told you never speak of Musa" I told him strictly. It is because of these negligence from others, people like me keep paying the price.

"Okay , okay. You and your secrets. I have to go habibti. Inshallah talk to you soon"

"Okay, soon Inshallah" and I hung up.

Okay, so things are moving pretty fast diplomatically. I am quite confident that the buy I placed in Malroy companies can not be just taken away within few days. They don't know where the bug is placed and by the time they figure out, it will take a lot of time. But there is always a risk of being discovered. If they do before I work out my things, my progress will be slow.

My door bell rang and it has to be my friends. So I rushed and opened the door. Big MISTAKE.

"I am not entertaining you. If you need something, call me" I told Brad and a giant of a man standing behind him and tried to close the door on his face. I cant have these idiots in when my friends are about to come.

The giant man kept his foot before the door closed and I really thought I broke his leg. Well, to my surprise he didn't even felt the pain I believe. These Zionist dogs don't die.

"Excuse me, this isn't Palestine where you can force yourself in to others homes. Now f*ck off"

"We need to talk" Brad said.

"I am expecting some people at home and go for sake of satan you worship. I will call you latter" and just as I finished sentence the lift door opened. Damn! Damn! Damn! Aminah , Rumi, Anne and Rob stepped out of the lift with big smiles.

I didn't want Brad to know they existed or for them to know Brad existed. If anything goes wrong, I don't want people suffering. And I can feel myself panicking.

"My, my look whom we got here" Anne said with her big smile looking very impressed by Brad. For a moment I thought Brad would snap and leave. But he didn't. He smiled as widely as Anne and greeted.

"He is leaving" I said pulling Anne inside the house. Rumi was looking Brad from head to toe.

"I have seen him somewhere" he said.

"No, you haven't. Brad, thanks for stopping by and I will get in touch with you" I told him giving a murderous look.

"Who is he?" Aminah asked curious.

"No one, Aminah. No one you'd wish you had met" I said trying to pull everyone inside.

"I am Brad Malroy.I came here to speak to Hayah, but looks like she is busy entertaining friends" he said smiling so sweetly at Aminah, had I not know what kind of shayatin he is, I am sure I would have liked him well.

"Oh don't be a spoil sport. We are here for dinner at Hayah's. She is a good cook. Please join us. I am surprised Hayah kept a secret like you from us and I cant wait to get to the bottom of it" Aminah said inviting the devil inside for dinner.

"No, i don't have enough food. And I really don't like Brad here as well. Good bye Brad and all of you in"

"Oh he is such a handsome guy. Are you in to modeling or something? Well, if you aren't, then I suggest you become one" that was Anne.

And despite my rude refusal and Brads subtle reluctant, my friends forced this man in to my house to eat the food I have cooked. And that is exactly where I draw the line.


I came here not to sit and f*cking dine with Hayah and her friends but to know more about this boy who looks just like me. He is f*cking same image as me for a moment I thought it was myself. Who the hell is he and why is he looking just like me?

Only one possibility.

And I came looking for answers.

When I opened the file Silvia had sent me, I didn't expect any earth shattering revelations. I knew her father and grandmother were killed. Since we took over the land her house was built, and apparently after what she had survived, there was little record of her. And then out of thin air a boy looking just like me has appeared and no one knows anything after that. Silvia had tried but no one actually knows. Her mother had died 4 years ago. And Hayah had come to US 2 years ago.

I didn't mean to rape her. I swear it was not what I intended but I didn't have a choice. To think of it, if I had left her to the mercy of others, I wouldn't have had this really hollow feeling. But I didn't want her to face that fate because I believe somehow I attached her loss to myself. I saw her father shot.

I still remember that day as it happened not 5 years but just couple of days back.

"Please let go of me. I have nothing to give you. You have taken whatever little we had" that is what she said when the realization of sexual abuse hit her. I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated. I heard some people cheering from outside. Sick bastards. That's what they are.

"I wish I can but no. I cant" I told her. I was surprise the coldness and bitterness I heard in my voices. She started shaking like a leaf after I spoke. I am sure she thought the coldness and bitterness was for her. But I couldn't speak nor think. I don't know if cameras are fixed in here. I don't know who is watching. So I did all what I could do. Act.

I didn't kiss her. I didn't make her comfortable. I didn't even try not to hurt her. I just did what I should and ought to do, while she kept screaming and begging. I didn't stop. And latter I left her in a pool of blood. She was bleeding so much. I know leaving her here, with who ever to attend to her is a mistake. Given the amount of blood she had lost, I know her chances of survival are less. Let her die peacefully.

"Wrap her up and dump her at her house. She is almost as good as dead" and I walked out.

Silvia is the one who had to dump her body anywhere she could. Silvia knew what I did. And I believed she was dead until I saw Hayah standing tall and proud on that fateful day.

"So Brad, how do you know Hayah?" that was the guy Rumi. He is the only one looking suspiciously at me. I manage to get the rest of them charmed with my looks and speech.

"Hayah, would you like to say how I know you?" I asked her. She looked pissed as hell. I know she didn't wanted to come inside nor meet her friends.

"I don't know this a$$hole" she said. I am not used to being insulted like this. I live a pampered life and no one insults me. When they do, it rub off badly.

"Why are you angry Hayah? And I have never heard you treat someone as badly or swear like that" Anne said.

"I am not feeding him food. He leaves" she said charging at me again. I had enough of this nonsense for a day. I got up to leave.

"Hayah, really?" her Muslim girlfriend whom I believe is the wife of Rumi said getting up with me.

"Yes really. If you know who he is, I am not sure you'd be any more happier than myself to sit and talk to him let alone feed him" she said and her words kind of pricked me in a bad way.

"Well, now that I know them, a lot of things because easier" I said with mocked sarcasm.

"This isn't Palestine where you can walk in to any house and threaten them. Get the hell out of my house, you Zionist rapist" she screamed and there was like pin dropped silence in the house. I felt extremely humiliated and angry.  I have come for answers and I got none. But I can wait, and I will. Patience is something I have in abundance.

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