18 Are we criminals?

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When Hayah exhausted herself to sleep again, I got a message from Silvia.

"We will be at Hayah's in 5 minutes. Flee"

And I froze.

No, I don't flee. The entire f*cking world couldn't make Palestinians flee their homes, so chances Hayah wont flee either. Then I remembered what Hayah has done to the house. Like Hayah said, if and when she dies, she will take a lot of down with her.

So I woke her up, just to check everything in place and she wasn't bluffing. And then all hell broke loose.

I know Silvia cant help much. If she dare lift a finger against her own father, she will face the same fate as us. And she maintained the drama and I didn't expose her either. Every time these b*stards lay a finger on Hayah, I felt so much rage. I could have burn the entire world down. And when Hanson spoke of Musa, I - who never believed in a God, prayed desperately to be, so I can kill him with my bear hands.

Hayah remained stoned silence and unmoved while a lot of things happened but then I think consciousness kicked in, and she was a sight to hold. I know both of us will get killed if not some miracles happens. But when I saw Hayah speak, my heart filled with pride for this woman who bore my child. Not even once did she flinched. Not even once she begged. Not even a second she feared. I tried to break free when Hanson said to shoot her. I couldn't stop them killing my son but I can stop these animals killing 'her'.

Hayah looked at me at that moment and gave me a genuine smile which melted my heart. She wants me to remember her when she dies. She knew I would do anything for her right now. Anything.

And my faith is an Almighty was restored when Silvia finally decided to interfere.

"Put the gun down or I will blow your brain to piece" she told the guy who was holding the gun to Hayah's head.

"Silvia" Hanson shouted. He was shocked. Well, he wouldn't have believed his own blood turning against him. All men in the room pointed their guns at Silvia. Hayah looked at Silvia with the same unbelievable expression all of us had in the room.

"You are my blood and I will forget this happened. Now lower the gun or you will die with them" Hanson warned Silvia.

"Well Dad, I knew I don't mean anything much to you. You were someone who molested me, your only daughter when I was small. But I guess, your time is running out" she boldly spoke.

"Kill all 3 of them" Hanson ordered.

"Not so easily" a guy I have seen many times in Silvia's office spoke bringing the gun pointing right at Hanson. Everyone went still.

Silvia had a smile in her face which revealed a lot.

"I love you too babe" she said without moving her gun from the guy who is holding his gun to Hayah.

"Everyone, gun down" the guy yelled the orders. And rest of them in the room lowered their weapons down. I grabbed one of the guns, and went right at Hanson. And stood with the gun pointing right in between his eyes. I saw fear. Good because I am going to kill him.

"I can shoot you right now for what you did to my son, and what you did to the woman who had my son"

"Brad, not now. We need to come out clean" Silvia said.

"You let him walk away, and he will make the entire system come after us. Silvia, I know you wont morn this" and I was going for the trigger, when a soft hand touched my hand.

"Brad, if you kill him things would be difficult for all of us" she said softly. He touch was feather light but I can feel my strong urge to kill Hanson was weakening.

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