Chapter 1: Once upon two kingdoms

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Once upon a time, in a far land, there were two kingdoms living separately in peace. The two kingdoms respected each other's borders and let each other be, but were never to cross paths. As they weren't meant to get involved with one another.

The kingdom to the North was ruled by King Alden and Queen Louisa. They were leaders who listened to their people, who showed love and compassion for their people and who wanted to pass that on to their only daughter, Princess Felicity.

Princess Felicity was raised with the same mindset as her parents: to respect others despite their differences. She wanted to see the good in people, she wanted to learn about their lives and their unique qualities. She loved change. Though she knew that ruling a kingdom required her to find a partner but, for as long as she can remember, she longed for someone outside of her kingdom.

Supporting the royal family of the North, were staff. The two most important staff members were Carl and Chandler. Carl, being 52, was the oldest of the two. He had been serving the royal family for over 30 years and was known to everyone there. Chandler had recently been hired. He was still young, being only 29. He was hired to help take some workload off Carl.

The other kingdom, the South, was ruled by Queen Cassandra. She was the sole ruler as she had never married someone. But despite that, she has a daughter, Princess Amelia. There was a lot of controversy surrounding that: many people didn't understand how the Queen had a daughter but was never married. Nevertheless, Queen Cassandra was very loved by all her people.

Princess Amelia adored her mother. She learned everything from her, and her mother was the only parent she had. Whenever her mother was busy, her uncle would watch her.

Uncle Piers. Prince Piers was Queen Cassandra's younger brother. Ever since he was little, he dreamed about ruling this kingdom. And he was promised the position but his father changed that right before he died. Prince Piers never agreed with his sister ruling over the kingdom, but he supported her however he could. After all, she's family.

Prince Piers has 2 children of his own: Princess Lorena and Prince Vincent. Lorena was Piers' little girl. She was just like him, looking up at him and supporting him getting the throne when that'd be possible. She dreamed of a life where she'd rule after her father.

Prince Vincent was different. He's very down to earth and loves hanging out with his cousin, Amelia, who he considers being his best friend.

Alongside the family, there was also the Crown living at the castle. The Crown is the government of the South-kingdom. In this government are 6 men, 6 lords. Each lord is the leader of a part of the kingdom, as the kingdom consisted of 6 counties. The Crown and the ruler make all the decisions for the kingdom.

For years, this was how their lives were. And it worked out well. Until one person murdered Queen Cassandra, changing everything for both kingdoms.


Hey everyone

Welcome to this new story! :)  I'll be posting this every Sunday, I hope you'll enjoy :)  And don't worry, next chapters will be longer.

Thanks for the reads, votes and comments :)

- LxT4ever

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