Part 27

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A Year Later..

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight OT7. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass..."

The words coming from the speakers made the young man leave his sit on the waiting room and walked towards the line until he was finally able to get on the plane
He put on his headphones and sat right next to the window.. lost inside his mind, wishing to be done with it

Have a safe flight, Taehyungie
I'll miss you, come back soon!
I love you

don't worry I won't take too long
I love you too

He smiled and put his phone down, leaned his head back and closed his eyes..


Taehyung went straigh to the hotel he would be staying in and left his luggage, asking the driver to wait for him..
There were a couple things he needed to do at his old work place

"Oh my god, you really are back!" the receptionist greeted him with a smile

"I just came to fix some stuff, i'll only stay for a day or two"

"He will not be happy to hear that" she said with a smirk, referring to his boss

"Just let him know i'm here" he laughed and walked to the elevator

He stood in front of the office and knocked on the door
"Come in.." he looked at Taehyung and shook his hand as he laughed "You son of a b~"

"Watch your profanity" he mocked him, he was probably the only employee who could talk to his boss that way

"I can't believe you came all the way here only to get this. How's everything at home?"
he handled him some files

"Good.. my dad's feeling better"

"I'm hoping the real reason you're here is to stay though. I will never get over losing someone like you, you were always one of the best employees on this company"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but no. The sooner i'm back the better"

"Someone waiting for you?" he said jokingly

"Yeah.." Tae said and took a seat


Taehyung looked completely different.
He acted more mature and although ot didn't seem possible he was even more handsome.

He had decided to go back the next day so why not rent a car and drive around a little..
is not like he missed the place but it was certainly better than staying at his hotel room waiting for the hours to pass

He visited the beach he used to go to and let his mind wander around staring at the waves..
it had always been so relaxing
He thought about the last time he had been there and a smile was drawn on his face..

The night had come so quickly, and somehow he ended up at the mall, maybe looking for a drink and some music

There were so many people, the place looked even bigger now and apparently there was some kind of event
He walked through the crowd, looking around without paying too much attention when..

"Ouch!" he heard someone said as he hit them with his shoulder, making Tae turn and apologize

"Oh, i'm sor..."

His eyes widened and any possible word he could've been thinking of abandoned his mind, except one...


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