Part 10

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Jimin spent the rest of the day looking for jobs online and calling several places with no luck. He still hadn't heard from the store and really needed the money.
He wasn't going to meet Tae that day, but he wouldn't be alone for long

You have an incoming call

He rapidly picked up

"Hi, Sui!"

"Minnie, how are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. I miss you though"

"Aw, I miss you too love. Are you doing something? I can stop by, i'm free now"

"Please! I'll be home"

"Yay! I'll be there in about twenty minutes"

Jimin put his laptop away and cleaned up a little. Before he could realize it time was up and he felt a knock on the door

"Sui!" he opened and pulled her into a hug as soon as he saw her. She was a really good friend and he had really missed her

"My Jiminie. How are you feeling?" they walked inside and sat on the couch

"I'm okay.. still looking for a job"

"Minnie if its money you nee~"

"No, don't worry about it. I have some savings, should be enough until I find something else"

"You aren't lying to me, right?" she raised an eyebrow and locked eyes with his

"No.. trust me" he smiled.
Of course he was lying, but he didn't want to worry her.

"So.. what have you been up to? Has he tried to contact you?"

"Jungkook?? No, and I don't think he will.."

"You don't look bothered by it though, are you finally over him?"

"Actually, I met someone"

"You what?!" she exclaimed and immediately moved closer to him, holding his hand "tell me all about it!"

"Well, I met him online"

She looked worried now "You shouldn't trust people you meet online, Minnie. It could be dangerous"

"I know, but Taehyung is.. so different" he said blushing a little

"Ooh, Taehyung.. I see" she smiled seeing her friend talking about someone with that sweet expression on his face, after he had been through such a shitty relationship

"I stayed over last night" he said shyly

"So soon??!!" she almost screamed

"No!! Nothing happened.. at all. We watched a movie and fell asleep, so he carried me into the bed and he slept on the couch"

"Awwwwwww" she said putting her hand over her chest "that is so sweet!"

"Yeah.. he's really weird, though. Good weird"

"Then that's perfect for you" she winked "so.. are you guys meeting again?"

"Tomorrow, I invited him over"

"Ugh, i'm so happy you're doing good Minnie" she hugged him "I love you so much"

"I love you too, silly"

You have an incoming call

"It's him!" Jimin excitedly showed his phone to Sui, who told him to pick up and put him on speaker


"Jiminie? Is it too late? Sorry, I just got off work and I wanted to say hi"

"Hi then" Jimin chuckled awkwardly causing Taehyung to laugh
"Did you have something to eat, Tae?"

"Ah, to be honest no I haven't"

"You shouldn't do that, Tae. You need to take care of yourself" he sweetly scolded him

"I promise I'll eat something when I get home. But thank yoh, you're the cutest thing"
Taehyung said and Sui started fangirling as she watched Jimin turn red

"Stob it!" he whispered to her

"Am I on speaker?"

"Uh.. yeah. I was.. uh grabbing something!" he immediately facepalmed himself and he looked at Sui "Really, Jimin?!" he whispered again

"So, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, don't have dinner before getting here though. Okay?"

"Are you cooking?"

"You'll have to find out yourself" he giggled

"Can't wait" Jimin could feel him smiling "Sleep tight, Jiminie"

"Night night, Tae. Be safe"

Not a minute after he hung up Sui started squealing like an ARMY watching BTS, and grabbed his hands
"Omg! He's sooo into you"

"You think?" has asked

"You gotta tell me everything, okay?"

"I will" he chuckled


They chatted for a while longer until Sui decided it was time to leave
"You have to come more often, Sui" he said as he hugged her. He really felt better after talking to her

"Of course, my love. And don't worry, everything will turn out just fine"

Jimin closed the door and laid on his bed
He was about to fall asleep when he heard his phone chime and grabbed it immediately
But to his surprise, the name he saw on the screen wasn't Taehyung's

I miss you, babe
can we talk?

Jimin felt his chest tighten as he read the text.
Why was Jungkook doing this now?
He started feeling down again
Should he reply? Did he really miss him?
But things with Jungkook were always the same
So he decided he wasn't having it

don't text me again

what do you mean?
babe come on, this has gone too far this time
let's meet
I love you

The nerve on this guy was un-fucking-believable
But it was time for Jimin to move on, and he had had enough.
He deleted the messages, call history and blocked his number

"Goodbye, Jeon Jungkook" he put his phone back on his nightstand and turned around, falling asleep

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