Part 7

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hey, you
good morning

Jimin opened his eyes at the tone of the new message

good morning, weirdo 🙃

hey, you still don't have the privilege to call me that

I didn't know I needed your permission 😛

the nerve of some people..
what are you doing today?

I have to keep on looking for a job.. and i'm also meeting my mom for lunch

oh, good luck!!
I thought.. if you're not too tired at night maybe we could meet?

Jimin chuckled

I guess I caused a good impression on someone 😏

hey where's the sweet, shy Jiminie? give him back!

sure Tae☺️
what time you wanna come get me?

his duality though 🙄
but for real.. I don't find someone I can talk to everyday, so if you don't mind..

Jimi smirked as he replied

of course I don't mind, Tae 🙂
same time?

Taehyung's POV

I had just started texting this guy a couple days ago. He's really sweet, and he seems to have fun around me.
I don't have a particular preference choosing between guy or girl but, to me, it isn't easy to keep people around.. they don't usually like what they find behind the "successful kid" facade.. and that includes my friends.

For that reason, I decided to be myself from the beginning with him, and I like the fact that he wants to keep seeing me even though I can be a bit odd
So, even as a friend, I am happy to have him

same time 😋


Jimin's POV

I knocked on the door of my mother's house and she received me with a hug.

"I missed you so much, my Jiminie"

"I missed you too, mom" I replied, almost chocking "It's only been a couple days though"

"That's too much time" she let go of me and ruffled my hair

"Is dad gonna join us?" I asked her as we walked to the kitchen

"Oh, honey.. he's at work"

"Okay.. there's something I gotta tell you"


"That motherf~"


"I knew it, I knew that guy was trouble.." she got closer to me and hugged me tight again
"Why don't you come back? You don't need to be alone.. you shouldn't!"

"No, mom. I'm okay.."

"Well at least work will keep your mind occupied"

I chuckled awkwardly.
I couldn't tell her I was unemployed, and I had given away a couple more resumes today so I had hope I would be called soon

"Do you want to stay for the night? I can drive you to work tomorrow morning, and we could watch a movie"

My eyes widened. If I stayed, although I wanted to, she would find out about my.. current status

"I'd love to, mom. But I actually have plans for tonight"

"Already going on a date?" she gasped "that's my boy!" she hit my shoulder jokingly as she kept eating

"What? No. He's just a friend"

"A friend.. sure. Hey, the fact that the jerk you had for a boyfriend didn't see how incredibly awesome and beautiful you are, doesn't mean the other can't. So be careful with this.. friend of yours" she smiled and winked at me


Taehyung's POV

I got home and stepped into the shower. I didn't have anything to eat.. I was always trying to keep my figure the best I could.
My closet was full of expensive things, not that it meant anything to me though.
I grabbed the first thing I could and got dressed, as I got the keys to my car.
My apartment had the best view.. but it was so incredibly messy
Well, is not like anyone else ever came here anyways

I drove all the way to Jimin's place. It wasn't close to mine at all, but I didn't mind. And after a while.. I was finally there
I texted him and he came out, getting into the car with a smile
His smile always seems so sincere, it makes me feel warm

"So, what do you wanna do?" he asked me whilst fixing his seatbelt

"Let's just drive around"

"Sounds fun!" he grinned

Seriously, how could anyone hurt this precious boy?
It pisses me off

We drove for a while with no specific direction

"Tae, are you sure you know where we are?"

"Pfft, of course I know" I had no idea where we were

"We should probably pull over" the street was dark and there wasn't a lot around

"You know what? Why don't I give you my home address, you put it on the GPS and I can show you my place?"
Really, Taehyung? Is that the best you could come up with? Why don't you just tell the guy you're lost?

"Oookay?" he didn't sound to convinced but didn't object at all.
And he still expects me to believe he can take care of himself

Jimin's POV

Taehyung was completely lost. We kept driving and we didn't have the slightest idea where we were at, but he kept trying to play it cool.. so I smiled and acted like I believed him.
He probably didn't want me to worry, but it's way too funny.

"You know what? Why don't I give you my home address, you put it on the GPS and I can show you my place?" he asked me

Why is he inviting me to his apartment? I don't believe he's the kind of person that'd try something if I say no..
It's way to risky, but he could've tried something when we first met so.. i'm gonna trust him


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