Part 11

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Jimin woke up early the next day due to a phone call.

"Hello?" he picked up, still half asleep

"Yes, Mr. Park. I am calling from the furniture store you left you resume at a couple days ago?"

"Yes! Good morning!" he said jumping out of bed

"We have agreed on giving you the opportunity. Are you still interested?"

"Yes, I am" he wanted to scream, but he tried to sound as composed as possible

"Perfect. We would like you to start tomorrow. We will make sure to send you all the information"

"Of course. Thank you so much" he said, hanging up the phone and dropping it onto his bed

"I got a job.." he said to himself
"I GOT A FUCKING JOB!!" he started screaming and jumping around
He was so happy.. and there was one person he wanted to tell the news before anyone else

He grabbed his phone again and dialed which had become the most used contact lately, Taehyung's

The phone rang once, twice, and after the third time Jimin was about to hang up, when..

"Hello! Jiminie?"

"Tae! I'm sorry, I didn't know if you were busy and I still called"

"Silly, you can call me at any time"

The warmth coming from Taehyung's voice reached Jimin even from the other side of the line, and he realized he missed him


"Ah, yeah.. sorry" he chuckled "I just wanted to share some news with you if that's okay"

"Of course"

"I got a job.. i'm starting tomorrow"

"Really?! Those are amazing news, Jiminie!!! I'm so happy for you!!"

"Thank you" Jimin giggled, using the extra long sleeve of the shirt he was using to cover his mouth

"We have to celebrate this, but tonight let's keep it simple.. you need to rest for today"


"You know.. maybe, and only maybe.. I think, I think I miss you"

Jimin became the smallest thing as he started feeling shy, and turned himself into a human ball.. surrounded by his covers.
He knew Taehyung was always joking around, but he also knew when he was being honest.. because he was the same way

"I-I think that maybe.. I m-miss you too"

"Really? I'm glad then" Taehyung's smile could be sensed through his voice "I gotta leave now, i'm at work. But I'll see you tonight.. okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Tae" he replied and hung up once Tae did

He buried himself completely under the covers and squealed
Taehyung was the sweetest thing. He remembered Sui's words from the night before, remarking how interested she thought Tae was in him
Was he really? Or was him the only one crushing that hard?

Whatever the truth was he just couldn't wait, and the night wouldn't come fast enough

He made sure everything was on it's place. He tried to look his best as he was still stuck in the kitchen
He wanted to make something for Taehyung and his cooking skills were pretty good

The time was finally here
He hurried to the door when he heard Taehyung knock and opened it with the brightest smile

Taehyung's POV

It was finally night, and drove to Jimin's place as we had agreed before.
I really wanted to see him. I had grown fond of him in such a short time..
Jimin was so cute, and funny.
It still makes me so mad to think he was toyed with.. -i thought as i knocked on the door
If it was m~wait what?!

In that exact moment the door opened and I saw the warmest smile greet me, as I lost all train of thought


"Hi" he giggled "come in" I took a couple steps in a looked around

The place wasn't too big, or fancy. But it had this air.. it felt, like home. But it wasn't the place.. it was the fact that I had arrived and there was someone waiting for me.. Jimin was waiting for me..
Wait, does that mean..
control yourself, Taehyung. That's the last thing he needs now.. he needs a friend, not another guy all over him

"Tae.." i suddenly looked at him, only God knows how many times he's called my name already
"You didn't have dinner, did you?"

"Ah, no" I said as he signaled for me to sit

"You must be starving" he turned around and headed for the kitchen, where I see him struggle trying to get some plates 

"Wait, let me help you" i stood right behind him as I reached for the top shelf without a problem
It all happened so fast I hadn't realized the distance between our bodies was minimal..
I could smell his hair.. so good
I felt the sudden urge to hug him but I didn't want to make it weirder..

Jimin's POV
Why does this freaking thing have to be up there? -I complained to myself as I tried to get something, but unfortunately i wasn't really tall and my short fingers didn't help at all
I was about to let out a frustrated groan when tue sound of Taehyung's voice made me freeze

"Wait, let me help you"

I felt his body heat so close to my back.. I couldn't move at all
I stood still as his perfume caressed my nose, making my eyes close for a second.. I loved his scent so much..
This moment that only lasted a couple seconds felt like hours.. and I was panicking
Maybe if I turn around he'll back off a bit -I thought and suddenly turned to him

Jimin turned around and faced Taehyung, who only widened his eyes and stared at the shorter boy.
Eyes locked, now their bodies felt closer than ever. Taehyung didn't move an inch.. he was way too terrified. He wanted to follow his impulses and completely close the distance in between them
But it wasn't the right time, he didn't even know if Jimin had any interest on him.
He was so sweet that might be just be the way he acts.. so kind and attentive
And it wasn't fair.. he had just gone out fro~

That was the moment Jimin leaned a bit closer.. close enough so he could feel Tae's breath on his lips, leaving Taehyung without a clue about how to react
They slowly closed their eyes and just stayed like that for a second, until their lips finally touched.. and everything else around disappeared

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