Part 24

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Taehyung made sure he dropped Jimin back to work on time before leaving. The day wasn't over though..
He was convinced Jungkook would try to meet him soon after those messages.

He had seen old pictures on facebook, he knew what he looked like.. at least enough to spot if if he ever got close to his boyfriend

He stayed home doing some work until night started closing in.
He thought about surprising the boy once more and taking him out for dinner.. he really didn't want to leave him alone. It wasn't that Taehyung didn't trust Jimin, but he knew the guy was becoming a stalker and he wanted the person he loved to be safe

After a quick shower he grabbed his keys and headed to Jimin's place. It was dark already and thought it might be a good idea to call him before he got there, so he could get ready.

...No answer

Jimin didn't pick up his phone.
Not the first time, not the second time..

Taehyung unconsciously started speeding up, trying to calm himself
"He's probably taking a bath.. or fell asleep"

But none of those options seemed to work, specially when he arrived to the place and saw one of the assigned parking spots occupied by a black car he'd never seen there before

He carefully walked closer to the door that seemed to be half open and heard two people in what sounded like the middle of a heated argument, one of the voices unknown to him

"I want you fucking gone!" Jimin shouted "and give me back that key!"

"Why do you keep ignoring my messages?"

"What messages? You have no business here, Jeon Jungkook. Leave before I call the fucking cops!"

Jimin tried to reach for his phone without sucess. Jungkook got to it first and smashed it into the ground

"What the fuck?!"
Jimin's blood was burning inside him as he only managed to yell at his ex
"Get the fuck out of here now!!"

"Calm down" the boy just smirked. How could he had that careless expression when Jimin looked like he was about to kill him.
He started getting closer to him, grabbing his wrist when the shorter boy tried to bolt towards the door
"Let's just have some fun.. i'm gonna remind you how good it feels, so you won't have to go back to that asshole again"

"Let me go!" he struggled to free himself but he really didn't have much to do when Jungkook pinned both his hands against the wall and forcefully kissed him.

Jimin found himself kissing back for a moment, hoping that he'd lose his grip on his wrists; but that didn't seem to happen, when Kookie forced his leg right in between his, restraining him from practically moving at all or just trying to avoid a well deserved kick

He whined in between kisses when Jungkook's hand started making his way inside Jimin's pants and underwear.. until he finally opened his mouth, letting Kookie's tongue caress his own.
And that's when it clicked..
He suddenly opened his eyes and closed the space in between his teeth as hard as he could, almost biting Jungkook's tongue off

Bleeding and in a tremendous amount of pain Jungkook took a couple steps back.
Muffled screams could be heard as he covered his mouth when a tap on his shoulder made him turn around, and a fist straight to his face caused him to collapse
"I should fucking kill you" Taehyung muttered getting close to Jungkook again, who was laying on the floor when Jimin stopped him

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