Part 22

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The night advanced and they wouldn't let go of the other. Taehyung kept Jimin locked in between his arms, his head resting over the shorter boy's.
It was just peaceful, until the sound of a vibrating phone made Taehyung open his eyes a little.

He threw his left arm back to the night stand without fully waking up. His clumsy hand explored it until he finally reached both phones, grabbing the one that kept moving on the surface

"Hello?" he answered with a raspy voice; not even looking at it, the light of the screen was too bright for him to open his eyes.

There was nothing but silence on the other side, until the call finally dropped.
He pulled the phone away from his face, squinting his eyes and realizing it had been an unknown number who'd called.. to Jimin's phone.

He put the phone back on the nightstand next to him and stared at Jimin for a second.

Who was that calling so late?
Was Jimin expecting it?
Was he moving too fast? Was Jimin ready to fall in love again? fall in love with HIM?
He gently moved his bangs away from his lover's forehead and kissed him sweetly. He watched Jimin smile in his sleep and get even more comfortable, clinging onto Taehyung like a little kid.
He threw his jealousy away as he felt his heart melt at the sight
"I love you" he whispered "I wish you could love me back.."

He laid down again, as close as he could get to Jimin's face.. and just kept staring at the face he adored so much until he fell back asleep.


"Ugh.. Jimin?" he groaned, waking up when he felt the boy leave the bed
"What time is it?"

"Go back to sleep, Tae. I have to go ready for work" he walked to Taehyung's side of the bed and gave him a sweet kiss

"It's way too early, come here" he pulled him into a hug, burying him under the covers once again "it's cold, let's stay like this a little more"

Jimin giggled trying to free himself
"I have to leave, Tae. The bus will be here soon"

"What bus? I'll drive you there"

"I couldn't.. you could be late and get in trouble"

"Anything for my baby.."

"Y-your b.." Jimin almost choked listening to those words

"Too much?" Taehyung lifted his chin and stared at his eyes. He was decided to try at least, he wanted to make Jimin fall for him

"No.. I like it" he answered, his face going full red

So adorable -Tae thought.
"I want to help you, Jiminie. I want to give you everything you deserve. I want to protect you from this world and every one in it" he kissed his forehead

Jimin felt his breath get caught up on his throat. Every word that came out of Taehyung's mouth was everything that he'd always wanted to hear.
His mind wavered in between memories and the present. He asked himself why no one had ever been like that to him?
Was he broken? Taehyung was the only one who seemed to understand him.
That's why he wanted to be with him;
that's why he missed him every second;
that's why his kisses tasted so sweet;
that's why he..

"Tae.." he gathered all the courage he could. Time to let this out -he convinced himself, only to raise his head and realize Taehyung had fallen asleep again
His eyes explored every inch of that beautiful beautiful face. The warmth from Taehyung's body reminded him it was all real..
He took a deep breath, he was ready..
"I love you"


Taehyung drove Jimin as promised
"Want me to stop to get some coffee before we get there? You must be tired, Jiminie"

"That actually sounds great"

Tae parked the car outside the nearest Starbucks
"Oh, no drive through?" he unbuckled his seatbelt when Jimin stopped him, putting his hand over Taehyung's

"I'll go" he flashed him a kind smile and got off the car

Taehyung scrolled through his phone when something caught his attention.. a chime
He looked over the passenger seat and saw Jimin's phone. It must have fallen from his pocket when he left -he thought.
It chimed again, and again
Curiosity was getting the best of him.. it wasn't right, he shouldn't look at other people's phones, and certainly not Jimin's..
But what about that call? Whoever was didn't expect Taehyung to pick up instead

"You're being stupid, Taehyung..
of course he wouldn't be texting him"
he tried to convince himself jealousy was unnecessary; but the simple idea that he might be right this time made his heart ache

"I'm sure it's nothing" he grabbed Jimin's phone, hating himself for doing so

His heart dropped and he felt as it had been broken in a million pieces  as he stared st the screen

You looked so beautiful the other night at the mall..

Just dump him, I know you still love me

I miss you
I'll go see you again today

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