Chapter 30

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The ringing continues on, and on, and on, and Harry really couldn't care less. His alarm clock had began ringing at six and it continued on until six-thirty when Zayn came through the door.

"Harold?" He groans as he makes his way over to the bed, placing himself beside Harry.

The two stare up at the ceiling with the annoying buzzing sound filling the silence.

"You alright?" Zayn asks, sitting up on his elbows and facing towards Harry. Harry only sighs and shrugs.

Zayn leans over Harry and pounds off the alarm.

"So that's an obvious no." Harry comments to himself as he lays his head back down.

"I won't tell anyone." Zayn says childishly, which causes Harry to lightly laugh before his smile fades back into his serious expression.

"I think something's wrong with Niall."

Zayn snorts, "Yeah, you've told me."

"No... not that. I don't know, never mind." Harry waves it off and turns to his side, his back now visible to Zayn.

"No, mate, sorry." Zayn sighs, "Tell me."

"I don't know. Something's just... not right."

Harry stares blankly at his clock as the "thirty-one" turned to a "thirty-two".

"If I make you an English breakfast I'm sure you'll feel better." Zayn chuckles, lightly shoving his best mate.

Harry gave in and follows Zayn out the bedroom and into the kitchen. Harry turns on the news and finds his way into his seat.

"17 year old Elizabeth Mitchell and her 38 year old science teacher were seen holding hands and exchanging kisses when these hidden hallway cameras were placed throughout the school."

"Absolutely disgusting, isn't it?" Zayn says making a gagging noise. He sets the biscuits in the toaster as he shook his head. "Can you imagine? A gross, greasy teacher and a student snogging. I mean it's absolutely gross and--."

Zayn stops and looks over at Harry, arms crossed over one another as a smirk laid flat across his face.

"Go on, Gross, greasy, disgusting and..." Harry asks, an eyebrow raised.

"I didn't mean you and--. He's thirty eight! It's okay if you do it because you, you're only a few years! He's a couple of decades! Plus he's a teacher and he's old and greasy. Well you're a teacher but you're not--."

Harry claps and throws his head back as a cackle leaves his mouth. "Mate, I'm just pulling your chain. Stop blabbering and make me breakfast."

Zany looks startled and grabs the silver chain that hung under his chin, before giving a strong glare at Harry and continuing on with the meal.

Harry ate most of the breakfast but decided to save and eat the biscuit before first hour started, and he did. His black heeled boots sat upon his brown wooden desk as he tore at his biscuit placing big and small pieces between his lips.

When knocking had came to the door Harry practically fell out of his seat. "One moment!" He shouts nervously as he throws the remainder of his biscuit in the bin. Harry kicks his feet of his desk and put them down underneath it's required spot. He grabs a red pen and a random names already graded homework.

He clears his throat, "Come in." He calls.

He pretended to pay no mind to the door as it opened then clicked open then shut. He looked up and was relieved to know that he didn't have to put a fake smile for one of the teachers, instead he could put on a real one.

"Hi." The boy in the oversized sweater spoke.

"Hey," Harry greets back. "Is everything alright?" Harry asks when he notices the discomfort on Nialls face.

Niall nods. "Yeah, fine."

But Harry could tell something was wrong with his boy. Niall was always pale and always had a bit of cheek bone showing, but today his cheek bones were extremely visible as his skin was just a bit paler than usual.

"I was just going to return your clothes." Niall says, patting the side of his satchel.

"You could just give it to me next time you come over. Or you could keep it, I don't mind."

"Oh, Okay." Niall says quietly.

It hurt Harry to see Niall quiet again. It's like when he first met him and he would keep his head down when speaking, which is exactly what he was doing now.

"Niall," Harry says as he kept his voice to a low. He stands up from his desk and walks to the front where Niall stood.

Nialls head was still down so Harry lightly took Nialls chin in his hand. "Look at me." Harry pleads, wanting nothing other then to know what was wrong.

"Baby, please look at me." He says again.

Niall slowly, but surely picks his eyes from the ground and looks at Harry's cheek instead of his eyes.

Harry's heart pickes up as he noticed that the blue in his eyes had vanished to a grey coloring. He had only seen him a day ago and he looked like a new person, not in the best way.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks, his eyes searching for any answer.

"I told you, I'm f-."

"No you're not. I need to know." Harry says sharply.

Niall groans and pushes Harry away from him. "Nothing is wrong." Niall says angrily, his voice a bit raised. "Now do you want your fucking clothes or not?" Niall asks as he began digging in his bag.

Harry takes a step back, startled at the words Niall had chosen, and how angry he was. It wasn't someone Harry knew.


"What? Are you gonna give me detention now, teacher?" Niall asks with challenging eyes.

Harry stares at him, no emotion on his face. Nialls face went blank as well as he looked everywhere but Harry.

"Niall, are you ill?" Harry asks after a minute if silence.

Niall shrugs and grips his satchel straps. Harry wasn't sure what to say, so he didn't say anything else.

"I have to go turn in my library book." Niall mumbles, and before Harry could even look up, Niall was out the door.

Harry stares at the door a moment completely gobsmacked before turning on his heel and walking over to the window. It's not like it was the first time Niall had been so, so... different, but it was the first time Harry felt like this boy- his Niall was in an extremely dangerous position.


Guys... this is literally just a filler..I'm babysitting and I wrote this. idek. Sorry if it's not great. It's sort of rushed but anywayyy I hope you liked it for the short little thing it is! Next chapter will be longer!

Thanksss!!! xxx

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