Chapter 28

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The warm-up practice lasted much longer than it felt. Niall hadn't even realized that half the time Adam and him had spent laughing over absolutely nothing. It was fun, laughing that is. To just let go and smile and enjoy being on the field again.

Adam was pretty amazing himself to be honest. They gave up warming up after a while and just laid down on the grass. The two ended up talking about how annoying some of the teachers were and Adams dreams of going professional.

Niall didn't explain his side because honestly, he didn't really know what he wanted.

A whistle was blown by a referee which instructed the teams to get in their designated areas.

Niall jogged over to his and before he knew it, it was half-time and Niall was sat on the bench drinking more water than he's ever come in contact with. His stomach was growling due to lack of food and he was feeling light-headed. He was trying his best to consume as much water for the final half.

Niall wanted today to be the day to prove to himself that he was good at something. To let people see that sure, he's not very attractive and he's got plenty of jiggle that's noticeable to all human eyes, but yeah, he can play a bit of football.

He had already made four goals and snatched the ball from the opposing team. He only ever came in contact with Harry when Harry would secretly pass over a wink from across the field in which Niall smiled to.

"You 'right, mate?" Liam spoke, his hand resting on Niall's shoulder as he bent down to try and get Niall to make eye contact with him.

Niall looks up and breathes deeply. "I'm fine. Yeah. Fine."

"You sure?" Liam quizzes. "You're looking a bit paler than usual, and you seem to be sweating a lot."

"I'm fine. Just running around again. It's been a while." Niall tries to explain.

"Right." Liam says slowly. "Well if you need something then let me know, alright?"

Niall only nods and grabs his water taking a chug from it. Once his third bottle was finished, he picks up another one.

About three-fourths of the players were in a circle passing around the ball. As for everyone else, they were sat either on their phone or finishing up a snack, which Niall did his best to ignore.

As Niall finally felt a bit better, Harry came over and sat right beside him.

"You should've told me you played that good." Harry smirks slightly looking down.

Niall blushes. "I'm not that good."

"You're ace at it!" Harry exclaims throwing his hands in the air. "You compared to me out there is like a turtle and a rabbit."

Niall cocks his head to the side unfamiliar with this term.

"I'm the rabbit right, I think I'm really good at doing something, like football for example, but it's quite blatant that I'm total shit at it and for some reason I get cocky at it." Harry laughs. "And you're the turtle. You do things completely unexpected- Not saying that it doesn't seem like you'd be good with football, but it's as if you make each move count and they just come out of nowhere!"

Niall places his hand on Harry's a brief second before removing it when someone runs past. Niall looks down to his lap.

"We'll have to go on a proper date sometime." Harry smiles searching for Nialls eyes.

"We have, haven't we?"

"Not really." Harry says shaking his head. "Well unless you count me teaching you a lesson in some sort of way then no. Never have we ever had a proper date."

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