Chapter 14

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The group was seated at a rectangle table; Niall of course being directly in front of Harry.

Niall sat down and pulled Liam beside him grabbing his hand in the process. Liam looked down at Niall confused but still gave him a little squeeze on the hand.

A waitress walks over handing everyone a menu along with a dessert menu. Niall offered a smile in return but set the dessert menu to the side anyways.

"Hi I'm Miranda." The waitress smiles. She pulled out a notepadand pen. "Could I get you drinks?"

"I'll have a coke." Tamara starts.

"I'll have that as well." Sam says, Zayn and Liam getting that as well.

"Water." Harry says.

"I'll have a water as well." Niall says. The waitress said one last thing before leaving.

"Liam I believe I've seen you around campus." Harry speaks starting off the conversation amongst the group.

Liam looked up from the menu. "Yeah, I think I've seen you as well. Niall talks about your class all the time as well!"

I do not!

"Good things, I'm hoping." Harry says looking to the blonde headed boy. Niall just smiles and looks down at his menu.

He's lucky he was able to get his head down before his tomato pasted cheeks had been noticed.

Niall begins looking at the choices on the menu. His eyes immediately look at the salad choices but all of them seem a bit to much calorie wise. He then looks at the soups and finds a simple chicken noodle soup. He chooses to go with that and watches as the table talks about the food choices.

Minutes later the waitress is back with the drinks and sets them at the rightful spots.

"Have you all decided what you're eating or do you need more time?" Miranda asks.

"I think we're ready." Sam says.

The orders go around and Nialls the last. After Miranda jots down each request she walks off to place the orders.

"Is that all you want?" Harry asks Niall.

Niall looks up from his fingertips and looks at Harry's eyes.

Niall shrugs. "Yeah."

"You used to get like everything on the menu though!" Tamara pipes in.

"I'm not that hungry." Niall lies.

"But you love this place Nialler." Liam said.

"I just don't want a lot tonight." Niall says, slightly annoyed with the pressure that's being put on him.


"If I'm not full then I'll get something else!" Niall says interrupting Liam.

The table drops the subject and begins bantering on about nothing that interests Niall.

Harry reaches over and taps Nialls hand as the rest of the table continues being unnoticed.

"I'll let you have some of my steak if you're still hungry." He offers sweetly.

"Thanks." Niall says back, a small blush forming on his cheek.

Harry gives Nialls hand a little squeeze before retracting it and putting it back under the table, joining the conversation with the rest of the table.

Niall feels like he's just turned into Ariel from The Little Mermaid. He feels like growing a tail and swimming and singing Part Of Your World because all Niall wants right now is to be apart of Harry's world. He wants  to spend a day warm on Harry.

Well... maybe that's a little overboard but all Niall wants is to be friends with Harry. Even though Harry's still Nialls teacher, he doesn't care because he's flying on Cloud 9!

It had to have been a good thirty minutes until the food had been brought back. Once it had been laid on the table everyone quickly begin to eat.

Niall picked up his spoon and slowly stirred the food. Luckily Tamara had began talking to him.

He lifted the spoon of soup to his lips but brought it back down as he had his sayings.

Niall had noticed that Harry's expression was filled with confusion as he watched him.

Maybe he was wondering how some who was as large and chubby as Niall could be eating such a small meal.

Niall tried his hardest to ignore Harry's eyes but couldn't. Something was wrong.

What if he knew about Nialls diet? That would be horrible! That can't be happening, no of course not.

Niall put that thought to the back of his mind and continues talking.

After a while the talking had died out and Niall still hadn't entered the spoon into his mouth. Everyone's plate had been well eaten on. Niall knew that soon everyone would be done but his soup on the other hand, wouldn't be touched.

He let out a small sigh and took a spoonful of the soup. He continued on like that and felt his stomach fill up quickly after six spoonfuls.

Niall looked down at his bowl and seemed pretty pleased with how much he had eaten but thats only because it made it look like he did eat.

"I'll be right back." Niall excuses himself. He slowly stand up trying his best to not make it look like he was in a rush.

He walks over to the bathroom and goes into a bathroom stall after checking to make sure no one else was in any of the others.

He gets onto his knees, reaches his finger to the back of his throat and tickled it a couple of times, and pressing on his lower stomach before a clear liquid had streamed out. Due to his experience he had managed to keep his gagging to a minimal.

After he was sure he had emptied the soup from his stomach, he stood up and straightened his shirt.


Niall stands up, too fast to mange and has to lean against the stall to gain his balance again.

Niall flushes the toilet and opens the bathroom stall. Green eyes were met with his.

"You alright?" Harry asks, worry spread all across his face.

"Yeah." Niall says easily, his voice scratchy from the force used to extract the food. "Why?"

"Were you throwing up?"

Niall clears his throat and walks over to the sink. He nodded and looked at Harry through the mirror. "I think the chicken wasn't cooked enough." Niall lies scrunching his nose.

The chicken was actually cooked perfectly and it was very tasty but that's the only story Niall could think of as he was put on the spot.

"Oh," Was all Harry says. "Well started you sure you're alright?" Harry asks.

Niall gives a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Harry." Niall walks over to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks for checking though." He says before exiting the bathroom.

All Niall wanted to do was die right now.

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