Chapter 23

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          It was weird that Niall had seen Louis with the bruises. It must've been the forth time this week he's seen him and everyday the marks get worse. It's either a black eye or a busted lip, but what's worse is that he's acting as if nothing was wrong with him, as if he's perfectly fine, which he clearly isn't.

Although Niall wants to ask him what's wrong, he knows he cant. Louis would probably beat the shit out of him if he was seen even talk to him in the first place. Niall was sat behind Louis staring at the back of his head only wondering, and wondering what was going on with Louis.

"We'll be doing partners for the next project." Harry says at the front of the classroom.

"Since we've all read the books, I'd like all of you to write a report on it. Seven pages."

Groans filled the room. Harry holds his hand up and nods.

"I know, I know." He said, "Just try, alright? The list is on the backboard. Go look at it an once the bell has rung, you're dismissed."

Everyone jumps out of their seat and rushes to the back pin board to see who've they been paired with. Many people were happy but others were left with groans and swearing.

After almost everyone was sat down, Niall goes up and looked at the list,

Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan

What? This must be a joke.

Niall turns to Harry and he only nods with his arms crossed his chest.

"We're partners." Louis says beside Niall.

Niall turns around and notices Louis' not looking him in his eyes. Niall gulps and committed to himself that he won't be the victim right now.

"Right." Niall says, "Should we meet at yours--."

"We'll meet at yours tonight at six." Louis cuts in abruptly. The bell rings and Louis rushes off without another word.

Niall waited until the classroom was cleared before stomping up to Harry's desk. "What's this about?" He frowns.

"It'll be worth it." Harry says as if it was nothing. But it wasnt nothing! It was something terrible and Niall really didn't like it!

"No! Are you trying to get me fucking killed?" Niall exclaims.

Harry shushes him with a small smile. Niall shuts his eyes and sighs. "He's going to murder me, you know that right?"

Harry chuckles as he shakes his head. "No he won't. It's just a project."

"A project that will end in a termination of me!" Niall shoots back. "You doing this has just caused--." Niall was shut up with Harry's lips pressing onto his in the softest kiss ever.

"Trust me, alright?" Harry whispers against Nialls lips.

Niall gulps and nods. "Alright, yeah." He says, biting his bottom lip. "I trust you."

"Good." Harry says, kissing Niall again, a bit harder than before.

"So Ill see you at lunch then." Harry smiles and Niall nods. Niall pushes his back strap further on his shoulder and walks out of the classroom and to the cafeteria.

As he was walking he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and read the text.


I made Liam put an apple and banana in your bag this morning. Enjoy:)xx

Niall puts his phone back in his pocket and stops in the hallway. He pulls off his bag and unzips it and indeed an apple and banana were inside it. Niall took them out and held them tight in his hands as he walked to lunch.

"Niall!" Tamara calls. Niall walks over to her and sirs beside her, a small smile on his lips.

"What are you all giddy about?" She asks, nudging his shoulder.


"C'mon," Tamara pushes. "Its me. You tell me everything."

Well that's not precisely true.

Niall sits his food down and looks at her. "Remember when you and Louis dated?" He asks.

Tamara nods and furrows her eyebrows. "Yeah, why?"

Niall fiddles with his fingers. "How did you know you liked him? Like really, really like him?"

Tamara chuckles and gives him a peck on the cheek. "When he bought me pearls." She says.

Niall only nods and looks down at his food. He picks up his apple and rolls it around in his palm before deciding to take a bite out of it. it wasn't a large bite, quite pint sized actually, but it was indeed a bite.

After lunch had ended he'd eaten about a fourth of the apple and only two bites of the banana and he knew if he didn't get it out of him now, then he would burst, so that's what he did.

Right when the lunch bell had ended for next class, Niall ran to the restroom, locked the door, and tickled the back of his throat until there was nothing left to throw up.

He was crying now. He was wishing he never had gone on this stupid diet. He was crying because he wished that this diet wouldn't have taken effect and he wouldn't be fat anymore. But he was and he hated it. He wouldn't give up on the diet though. One day it would work. One day the fat stomach, the fat thighs and arms and the chin will all go away. Niall just wished he would be normal and he wasn't fat, because if he wasn't fat then maybe someone could love him.

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