Chapter 19

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Harry steps into his flat and shuts the door.

"Zayn! I need to talk to you!" Harry calls.

When he hears no response nor any sound he began to search the house.

Where the hell could he be?

Harry checks the kitchen, then the bathroom.

Harry finally walks and knocks onto Zayns door, once again no response. Harry groans and opens the door quickly shutting it with a small "Sorry." Coming behind it.

Had he really just seen his best mate..

"Harry!" Zayn calls after.

Harry began chuckling to himself as he slowly walks away from the door.

"Harry you're home! I didn't hear you."

Harry turns to Zayn. He was only in his boxers. His lips were swollen and his hair was just a plain mess.

"Who's that?" Harry questioned motioning behind Zayn.


"Hey Mr. Styles." Liam's voice cracked in the process.

Harry examined Liam for a moment. Liam's lips were just as bad as Zayns. The only difference in the two's appearance was that Liam had a sheet wrapped around his waist.

"Hello Liam." Harry says with a cheeky smile. "Zayn, could I speak with you for a moment?"

Zayn gave a look at Liam and smiles at him before walking off with Harry into a separate area of the flat.

"I'm so sorry about that. I mean he came over for homework lessons and then we just--."

Harry put a hand up. "Trust me Zayn, I don't want to know."

"Oh... then what do you need to talk about?"

"Well you know Niall?" Harry asks.

Zayn nods. "I mean, yeah from dinner that one night, why?"

"He just came out to me and well, obviously has some... issues." Harry says. "I just want you to have him a good talking to, that's all."

Zayn just nods again. Zayn was about to turn around before Harry had stops him.

"And could you not tell this to Liam, I don't think Niall has told Liam he's got problems."

"Sure thing, mate." Zayn smiles. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

With that, Zayn left and Harry was left with a very disturbing image.

Harry shakes it off and walks to the kitchen where he had found a note from Sam saying how she had gone to visit a friend for the day and how se wouldn't be home until later.

Harry tidied up a but around the flat and before he knew it, a tapping came from the door.

Zayn and Liam had finally come of the room after doing heaven knows what, and were now seated on the couch.

"Someone's at the door." Zayn says as he wraps an arm around Liam.

"Yeah, thanks for that." Harry says sarcastically.

Harry goes to the door and opens it revealing a tired, worn Niall.

Harry's heart hurt a little at the sight of Niall. Niall's lip was now a dark shade of purple, and still a bit swollen. All of this made Niall look like he'd need had a day of sleep in his life.

"Niall!" Harry smiles, surprised. "Good to see you."

Niall smiles the best he can and Harry opens the door further so Niall could step in.

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