Chapter 21

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Without being able to find any of his casual clothes, Harry stuck with a buttoned up black shirt and some loud plaid shorts.

Walking out of his room, he struggles pulling the shorts down so they were just at his knee. Although Zayn was Harry's best friend, he hated him at times like these.

As he stepped into the living room Zayn looks up and bursts into laughter at Harry's outfit. Zayn sure was notorious for making Harry feel like shit.

"What are you wearing?" He says through his laughter.

Harry frowns. "You've taken all my clothes, this is all I've got left." He says through gritted teeth.

Zayn sat up from his hunched position. "Just go in the laundry room." He says.

Harry lowers his head then looks back up. "I did, there was nothing."

"Oh right." Zayn says, "Check in my room. I've got loads of clothes in there."

Harry stares at Zayn in disbelief. "You're a twat."

Zayn put a hand to his heart as of it actually offended him. "I may be a bit insensitive towards you but a twat, isn't that a bit harsh?"

Harry gave him the bird before quickly going to Zayns room where, indeed, were his clothes. They were scattered everywhere. Harry pondered a moment wondering how Zayn even got Liam in his bedroom without needing a bridge.

He sighs and looks around the floor until he had finds a 'Ramones' shirt and light chinos he hadn't worn in at least a year- the reason being they've been with Zayn.

After Harry had put himself in reasonable clothing he walked back out to the living room to find Liam and Zayn playing a video game and Niall sitting on the other couch silently watching the moving screen.

Harry dug his hands in his pocket before walking over to where Niall sat and taking a seat beside him.

"You not playing?" Harry asks.

Niall shakes his head. "It's a two player." He says with a shrug.

Harry nods and clasps his hands together as his eyes flicked to the telly where a loud explosion had just occurred.

There was a brief silence, besides the game, before Niall had spoken. "Those shorts you had on earlier," He starts, a grin forming on his lips. "Why've you got them?"

Harry chuckles as he looked down to his feet then back to Niall. "Zayn thought I'd like them for a birthday present when we were in college."

The game pauses and Zayn looks at them. "That's what golfers wear." Zayn says defending his present.

Harry slowly shakes his head.

"They do where them, don't they?" Zayn asks quietly. Harry just sat there with his lips clamped shut.

"So when I bought you the shorts you were faking that you liked them?"

Harry brakes out into a smile. "They're not exactly reasonable for the golf course."

Zayn slowly turns back to the game and keeps his eyebrows furrowed.

Harry chuckles and turns back to Niall. "I like your jumper." He says motioning to the reindeer head knitted into the front.

Niall looks down to it and rubs his hand over it. "Thanks. My mum got it for me."

"Well your mums got good taste."

Niall smiles as he looks down at his shoes. Harry just figured it was because of the blush Niall was trying to hide, on most occasions that's what he did.

"Bloody hell!" Liam exclaims throwing his remote to the ground. "You were supposed to cover my back, you wanker!"

Zayn sits his remote down, a sinful smirk coming on his lips. "Ill give you a wank that will surely cover your back."

"Oi!" Harry says in disgust. "What goes on between you, stays between you!" He says scrunching his nose. He'd rather not know what goes behind doors between his mate and student. "If you're going to get all nasty, discuss it in your room, but Niall and I are actually trying to have some friendly bonding time."

Zayn puts his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright." He says grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him up with him. "We'll be off now."

"Where are you going?"

"In my room where we'll be doing private stuff. You did say you didn't want to hear any details."

"I did. I would also like to not hear either of what you're doing so keep the noises down. Now scurry off." He says with a shake of his head.

Zayn sticks his tongue out before pulling Liam in with him. Minutes after the two of them walked out of the flat, car keys in Zayns hand.

"Liam really fancies him." Niall chuckled.

Harry nods and sits back against the couch. "Id reckon Zayns got a thing for your mate as well."

"That's good to know." Niall says, smiling once again.

Harry stands up and picks up the controllers. "Care to play?"

Niall nods and stood up, walking over to Harry. Harry handed Niall the controller and stopped as it was put in his hand. His heart felt like it had broken into a thousand pieces.

Harry took Nialls hand in his, Nialls face full of confusion and partly worry.

The silence between them was hardly noticed as Harry slowly rolled up Nialls sleeve. Harry got a glimpse of the freshly cuts on his wrist before Niall had snatched his hand away and slowly backed away.

"No." Niall whispers, tears slowly yet quickly running out of his eyes. Niall pushes Harry and suddenly breaks down completely. "You weren't supposed to see that!"

Harry keeps his face soft feeling Niall began to have a panic, that would not be good. Harry hated himself that he could hardly help Niall through this. Its like that one day after Niall had gotten tossed against the lockers as if he was nothing.

"Niall, stop." Harry says, keeping his voice low as he tried to keep Niall settled. Niall was throwing his arms around. Harry took Niall in his arms and pushed him down to the couch.

Niall squirmed as he tried getting up, tears flying everywhere. "Get off! You-- Stop!" Niall cries out.

Nialls face grew more and more pained. "You weren't supposed to see that! You-- of all people."

"Sh, Niall, please." Harry says.

Harry didn't necessarily want to, but he straddled Niall, Nialls arms underneath him as well.

"I'm not going anywhere Niall, it's alright, love. It's alright!"

Harry sat there until Niall began calming down, the yells and struggling had finally calmed down as he'd probably realized he wasn't getting out of this.

"Alright?" Harry whispers as he wipes tears from Nialls eyes.

Niall nods.

Harry got off of Niall and the two sat beside each other, neither talking.

"Its alright." Harry says. "That you do that."

Niall shakes his head as he continues crying. "I'm a fucking mess. Why do you even try?"

Harry sighs and turns his body more to Niall. He was a bit nervous considering he hadn't ever shown this to anyone aside of Zayn, but that was years ago.

Harry looks down to his hands. "Look at me, Niall." He says softly searching for Nialls eyes.

Niall hesitantly raises his face and examines Harry's.

Harry shuts his eyes and holds up his wrist directly in front of Nialls face. "I used to make art too."


Omg. none of this was planned.

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