Chapter 3

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Harry has never really been much of a lunch person so he didn't bring one, but for some reason he was hungrier than most days today.

He grabs his keys, locking the door and heading down the school hallways, a random tune playing in his head as he finds himself in the cafeteria.

He walks in and grabs a tray putting an apple and a tuna sandwich on the plate. He wasn't much of a fish person either but it looked pretty good so why not.

After he had plated up and paid the lunch woman he turned to the seats. The seats were still filling as some students had gotten out of class later than others and were in the lunch line.

Harry turned on his heel searching for the teacher table. His eyes searched and found it, his cheerful grin had immediately faded to annoyance. The only seat open was the one beside Ms. Baxely.

Harry liked Ms. Baxely, no doubt. She just seemed to be a bit of a... milf? No. No way. That's to extreme.

Harry chuckles to himself at the thought of term he'd just given Ms. Baxely and shakes his head, heading over to the teachers table.

He looks around the table once more hoping for someone to get up and empty the seat but no luck was given to him.

Harry lays his tray down and Ms. Baxely turns, her back no longer facing Harry and what looked to be excitement gleamed in her eyes.

"Harry!" She exclaimed turning her body towards him now. "Oh sit, sit, sit!" She pushed moving her hands.

"Ehm, I prefer Mr. Styles in the work environment." He says awkwardly.

Harry tries his hardest to keep on the welcoming smile as he sits down. Ms. Baxely turns back to the other teachers and Harry began eating.

While his Co workers had begun talking about something Harry could give two thoughts over, he chose to try and memorize the names of his class.

He tried to think of his first hour class from left to right on the front row but only got two out of four names right before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"What are your opinions on it?" Ms. Baxley asks.

Harry had looked down the table and noticed all eyes now sat on him. Harry squirmed in his seat as he continued chewing then swallowed.

He cleared his throat and tried his hardest to remember anything the adults had been blabbering about.

"Sorry, what was the question?" Harry asks.

Ms. Baxley laugh. "We were just discussing how we think Principal James is a horrid principal and advisor and should be fired for his lack of concentration."

Well just get to the point why don't you?

"I don't really know. I have only spoken to him a couple times." Harry stated and the other teachers nodded before going back to their bantering over their boss.

Harry once again zones them out now literally thinking of nothing but blankness.

The lunch had gone on like that. Basically Harry would ignore the adults beside him and him thinking about his first two classes he had this morning. Harry had realized that his co workers were practically like students. With their gossiping and all they would be a perfect fit for an adult school.

Harry chuckles quietly to himself. He gathers the little trash he had and stood up. They all gave a small wave before continueing back off with their bantering.

Harry walks over to the trashcan while other students did the same.

Harry turned for the exit but stopped in his tracks noticing a familiar blonde haired boy sitting alone at a table.

Harry walks over, his hands in his pocket.

Niall looks up from his water bottle and with a questionable expression.

Harry almost speaks before eyes grow wide.

"What happened to you?" Harry asks in surprise. A dark purple bruise shatters under his eye, a mark Harry had not noticed before.

Niall reaches up and grabs his eye, putting his head back down. "I ran into a wall after second period."

"That was not caused by a wall." Harry exclaims. "You need to go to the nurse, you're eye is red."

"I'm fine." Niall mumbles.

Harry shakes his head. "Tell me who-"

"I said, I'm fine." Niall says, louder than before.

He grabs his water and bag and pushes past Harry, and out of the cafeteria.

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