Chapter 41

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      Niall makes his way out of the testing lab and into the cafeteria, finding his usual spot with Tamara.

"Niall! I feel like I haven't seen you all year!" Tamara exclaims as Niall sits across from her, setting his water on the table.

"Babe, it's been like, a week." Niall chuckles.

"So I heard Liam's got this new boy toy. Have you met him?"

Niall smiles down at his lap and nods. "Yeah, but Id say he was more than just a "toy"."

"Ooo, are they serious!? Has Liam got himself a boyfriend, then!?" She exclaims, leaning closer into Niall.

"Why don't you ask him yourself," Niall laughs, motioning his head toward Liam "He's coming here now."

Liam makes his way over to two, a confused expression on his face.

"What?" He asks hesitantly.

"Niall told me you've found yourself a boyfriend!" Tamara, once again, exclaims.

Niall shakes his head quickly and looks up at Liam, "I didn't! She called him your "boy toy" and I argued saying it was probably more than that."

Liam shrugs and turns to Niall. "We've been invited for a double date at Ha-"

Liam quickly stops himself as he flicks his eyes toward Tamara's interested face.

"Zayns. Zayns invited us for a meal tonight. I'm sure H-... I'm sure he'll tell you more about it after classes."

Niall presses his lips together and forces a smile nodding as Liam walks off.

A dinner with the four of them? Tonight? At their flat?

A normal person would be thrilled to be invited for a double date with their best mate and boyfriend, but Niall can't erase the fears he has of not only what will be served there, but who will be watching. He wouldn't be able to purge, not in their flats bathroom. It's right next to the kitchen. He won't be able to restrict because Harry has severely been on his ass lately- Harry.

He can't help but form a smile as Harry's face appears in his mind. Or the way he gently held Niall the other night as they showed each other how much they loved one another. He loves Harry, he really does.

"So his name is Zayn?" Tamara says, interrupting Niall from his thoughts.

"What?" Niall asks, shaking his head and focusing back on Tamara. "Oh, em—"

Luckily he is interrupted by a shadow beside him. Looking up, he's met with his Harry. His hands are in his pocket and a lazy smirk appears on his face.

"Niall, I'm gonna need you to come to my classroom before lunch ends for some reconstructing in your essay." He says, quick, but laid back.

Niall quickly nods and smiles at Harry, biting his lip at the same time.

Harry nods, smiles to Tamara, and saunters off into the students.

"Oh my god!" Tamara whispers as Harry continues off. "He is so gorgeous. Like, fuck me please! Am I right or what?"

Nialls eyes widen before he laughs into his hand. "I've got to go. I'll see you around."

Niall stands, grabs his things, and makes his way over to Tamara, kissing her on the cheek before leaving the dining hall.

As he begins down the hall he catches eye with Josh, one of Louis' mates.

Hovering his head down, Niall attempts to push pst the crowd of boys, only to be stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Ni, haven't been in touch in a while have we?" Josh questions, a playful smirk sorting through his teeth.

Niall keeps his head down, not looking up to what he already knows to be a maniacal smirk on Josh's lips.

Josh leans down to Nialls ear, "Maybe we could go to the bathroom and have some good old time fun."

Niall swallows and grips his bag tighter.

There are a few things Niall could do. He could run, but he'd only get so far considering how weak he is. He could fight back, but that would only lead him into a further predicament. Or he could take the beating, which is probably the easiest and smartest move he could make at the moment.

Just as he is turned by Josh's grip, another hand is set on top.


"Oi, have we got a problem here, mate?" Louis smiles up at Josh.

"I was gonna go take Niall for a few toss arounds, you in?" Josh laughs nervously, taking his hand off of Niall.

"No, I'm good. I find you're good too, right lad?" Louis asks, raising an eyebrow.

Josh looks between the two, obviously hinting some sort of fear toward Louis.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." Josh says quietly.

He takes one last look at the two before turning on his heel, and walking off.

He takes one last look at the two before turning on his heel, and walking off

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Bit of a filler, felt like writing. None of this at all was planned but I'm very very pleased with the outcome!

Give me a few comments for the next chapter?

Any suggestions? I love hearing from the readers!

Thanks! x

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