Chapter 15

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Tamara had just left making sure she had taken Nialls leftovers before being on her way. Niall wasn't at all upset that she hadn't asked to take them. He was actually grateful. Now he wouldn't have to make up an excuse as to why he didn't want it.

Niall didn't want to think about eating right now anyways. His throat was soar from keeping the gagging noises to a very soft sound. He's also upset.

Not over the fact that he had eaten so much, but the fact that someone had caught him in the act, that someone being Harry.

If it was a stranger than Niall wouldn't care to much, but this was someone who he knew. This was someone who Niall had to spend an hour a day with and without an escape!

Maybe Harry had just assumed that Niall was actually ill from the food. Oh boy, does Niall hope.

Niall had said his goodnights to Liam before shuffling into his warm bed. He pulled the white duvet over his body and snuggled up against the pillow, letting sleep over take him.

The next morning Niall woke up to the sounds of Liam cooking something in the blender. Niall knew it was just Liams daily routine.

He'd wake up a quarter before the sun rose and take a quick shower down the hall. Then Liam would come back in and get dressed for football practice. After that he'd fix himself some sort of health smoothie that Niall always found grotesque.

The blender was the thing that usually woke Niall up and for the most part Niall would just lay in bed for an hour preparing his mind for the day. It was a simple routine.

Today for some reason though, Niall couldn't seem to stay in bed after Liam had left a few minutes after.

"Right." Niall spoke to no one as he stood up out of his bed. He gave a long stretch and twisted his back to give light cracking sounds.

Niall pulls off his hoodie and quickly walked over to his dresser. He didn't want someone to come in and see him. Especially when his stomach was so overly bloated today.

Niall pulled on one of Liams gray sweatshirt and rolled up the sleeves just a couple of times before then changing his pants into some denim.

Once his clothes were situated properly, he walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. After using the loo, he brushed his teeth and styled his hair up into a messy quiff. Taking one last look at himself he exited the bathroom and walked back to his room. Relief washed over him as he made it back without any of his dorm mates seeing him.

Niall lied back down for a few minutes planning out how he wished last night went and planning out exactly what he'd do when winter would come around.




Anyways, I'm sorry that was extremely short. This was a filler and I had more thought out But #writersblock.

OK so I wrote this on my phone and honestly I'm sorry if it kinda sucks. I would go back and fix it But I only have 7% battery and I have school tomorrow and it's 11:24 so I'm going to sleep.




Thanks so much!!:Dxxx

You're My Secret (n.s)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora