Thunderstorms and Cuddles

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{ Tyler's POV }

I yawned listening to Mark talk about the plans he has with the channels before turning his attention to Amy who looked bord of course she supported her boyfriend I'm everything he did, but sometimes even I knew she got tired of work talk. Mark paused for a moment before smiling.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" He asked.

Amy's eyes lit up and I smiled.

"Why don't we go out to do that?" Amy asked wrapping her arm around Marks giving him puppy eyes.

Mark looked from her to me, I figured they wanted to be alone.

"Go on without me you two, I have things to do anyway" I said.

Amy gave me a thankful smile and I offered her a wink, to show her I knew she just wanted alone time with her boyfriend.

"Okay well, let's go then, see you Tyler" Mark smiled before walking out with Amy.

I sighed, it wasn't a lie, I didn't have things to tend to at home. I got up and shut off all the lights and made sure everything was locked up before getting on my car and starting the commute home. It started raining as I drove and not long after the small roll of thunder coming in could be heard. I sighed and frowned a bit speeding up as much as I could with out having to be pulled over.

I got home just as the first loud crack of lightening hit making me jump, I shook my head a bit and walked into my apartment, shutting and locking the door.

"I'm home" I called.

Walking in slowly, as I took off my sweater and shoes. I looked around the seemingly empty apartment and crossed my arms walking further in, everything was clean.

"Y/n?" I called.

I heard small whimpers coming from my bedroom, I walked in slowly but didn't see anyone. Walked to the bed I knelt down and lifted the sheets so I could see under. My eyes met two very frightened y/e/c ones, I gave y/n a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was gonna storm, please come out" I said softly.

They seemed to be contemplating it, I walked around to the other side and reached under, hooking my arm around their waist and pulled them out, a slight scratching on carpet could be heard as I did so. They looked up at me once they were fully out.

"How am I meant to comfort you if you're gonna be under there the whole time?" I asked place my hand on the top of there head and petting them.

They were visibly shaking, out they leaned into my pets. Moving my hand slowly and smiled softly. Lifting my hand I moved it behind one of the cat ears on their head and scratched behind it.

Y/n was neko, no one knew I had, I had gotten them off some sketchy website, before the whole website disappeared. When they got to me, at first they were scared, but warmed up to me slowly. We had gotten close over the year I had them and started dating. Of course they still had some cat quality's though, and this was one of them. They were terrified of thunderstorms.

I stood up and picked them up before setting them on the bed, they weren't talking at the moment so I could only guess they weren't very happy about that, from the way their ears went down and their tail stopped swaying.

"Hey... Common I didn't get my kiss hello" I said trying to take their mind off the storm.

Y/n looked up at me and looked away before leaning up to kiss me, the thunder interrupted as another crack came and y/n jumped away.

I shook my head and got under the covers waving them to me and opened my arms. Y/n very quickly got under the covers with me and buried their face into my chest. I held their shivering body close as the storm went on around ten in the morning it stopped and neither of use had got a wink of sleep.

Y/n looked up at me with tired eyes, I could tell they felt bed. "I... I'm sorry Tyler... I shouldn't have kept you up" they said softly.

"No no... Don't be" I said a yawn erupting from me "I would do it again" I said petting their back.

A small purring sound came from them and they curled up into me. Before going to probably fall asleep they moved up again and kissed me sweetly. I kissed them back and smiled.

"I love you kitten" I said softly feeling myself start to fall asleep.

"Love you too... Master" they said tiredly.

//a shorter one but hope you liked it, I'm planing on doing a but more with neko!reader because I find nekos fucking adorable. Maybe I'll do one with Neko!Tyler if you guys want!

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